엄마 한마디 -

3세 이후 유아들을 위한 팝업형태의 그림책입니다. 책의 신기함에도 불구하고, 엄마의 게으름에 활용을 못해줬던 그 책 시리즈들.  오늘 그림책을 한데 꺼내 100권 읽기 도전을 해보게끔 했습니다.  다행히 재미있게 2시간여를 읽어내네요~ 그림책은 월령기를 지나더라도 이런 신기함과 그림의 매력으로 아이들을 사로잡는 듯 합니다 ^^*

그림책 30권 + 테이프 30개 (3년 전 구입했던 책 시리즈인데 한 6권정도 책 구성이 바꼈네요. ^^


<철이의 원서그림책 읽고 쓰기>

1. Noisy Hippo -

I laughed very much, because the hippo was fun! Everyone, let's open your mouse! How big? Maybe hippo can open his mouse bigger than you!

2. Happy Birthday Lulu -

Lulu is a cute girl. Today is her birthday. Do you like your birthday? I know almost of people like birthday. Yes, me too!

3. On The Farm -

내가 가장 가지고 싶은 농장! 이 책은 바로 그 농장에 관해 소개하는 책이야. 책속의 책으로 농장의 모든 것을 알 수 있지!

4. Chasing Shadows -

We can make a lot of features by shadows. Shadow made by light! Do you know why? I'll explain that next time!

5. My Shimmery Treasury -

A, B, C, D, E, F, G... They are alphabet. You can learn a lot of words by this book. I learned by this book, too!

6. What's the Time? -

Time was too difficult too me, but now it is easy and funny. You can control the clock in this book and you learn the time.

7. Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs -

과거에는 정말 많은 생물들이 살았지. 공룡은 그 중 세상을 지배했던 생물이란다. 책에서는 공룡이 탄생하면서 무슨 일이 있었는지를 아주 간략하게 소개해준단다.

8. Dinosaur ROAR! -

Roar! It isn't scary? In this book, we can learn the opposite of dinosaur. There was a lot of kinds of dinosaurs. Big, small, rong, short, fat, tiny, clean, slimy dinosaurs are here.

9. Are chickens Stripy? -

Can you believe chickens can stripy? Yes, it doesn't true. Something can do swim, but something can do jump. Everyone are not same.

10. Number One, Tickle Your Tum -

숫자를 세보자. 하나, 둘 셋, 넷... 이런 숫자 세기로 만들 수 있는 놀이도 있을까? 정말 다양하다고 생각해. 책에서 귀여운 곰과 놀면서 수를 배워보자!

11. Smiley Dino -

Smile is a beautiful activity. But sometimes, it make people scary. Dino is that. But I think her smile is very beautiful.

12. Guess What? -

Guess what? If you say right answer, that means you are very good at transfortation! Let's solve the funny quiz.

13. Bear's Opposites -

This is the funny quiz book, too. Bear say like this, One picture is sad. What is the other picture? If you know the answer, you can see the collect answer. I was very happy by this book.

14. Guess Who? -

There are a lot of animals. People say that is 750,000 kinds of amimals. And at this book, if you see the hint, you should think what is the part mean.

15. Bear's Left & Right -

왼쪽과 오른쪽을 알아보는 즐거운 공부. 곰과 함께 퀴즈를 풀면서 방향 감각을 알아보자! 왼쪽, 오른쪽은 살아가면서 피로한 무척 중요한 것이란다.

16. The Rat-a-tat Hat Book -

Do you like hat? I don't like hat very much, but this book is very strange. You can change the boy's hat! Can you find the equiqment?


I said there are a lot of animals in the world. They have a lot of colors, too. You learn how to create lots of fantastic pictures.


This is about colours & shapes. You must know the shapes if you going to school. This is the great solid book.

19. I can't sleep! -

어떤 아이는 잘 때 무언가가 없으면 잠을 잘 수가 없다고 해. 너에게 그런 것은 바로 무엇이니? 나는 바로 책이야. 나는 반드시 자기 전에 책을 잠깐씩 읽어야지만 잠이 잘 와.(어쩌면 책의 지루함이 수면제 작용을 할 지도 모르지.)

20. Biscuit Goes to the Park -

Biscuit goes to the park! Let's follow him. The puppies always make trouble, but they are very cute. Aren't them?


Everyone has expression. We need expression to represent the feeling. Happy faces, sad faces, mad faces... all them are not same.

22. What Makes Music? -

Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do! It is the note of music. We need them to play music. We must thanks at this.

23. Hen goes to Market -

시장에 가 본 적 있니? 시장에는 빵, 과일, 우유, 그리고 각종 물품들이 널려 있단다. 하지만 시장에서 주의할 것이 있어. 항상 무언가를 잊지 않도록 해!(이 책의 주인공은 물건을 산 장바구니를 잊고 안 가져왔단다.)

24. The Mouse Who Ate BANANAS -

Did you ate bananas? The skin is very slippery. When I was 7 years old, I steped the banana skin and I slided. Please attanded the banana's skin!

25. Can We Play? -

I was very surprised at this book, because this was very great pop-up book. The fish is searching for his friends. So, let's fini his friends!

26. Ten Beads Tall -

There are a lot of things what has length. you can measure the length by beads. You can learn how to measure.


This book is the special shiny book. You can go to the farm and meet with the animals.


Wow! Spring is come! Can you see? There are green grasses and beautiful flowers. Let's see the nature!


Garden is the good place. You can breede the plants and eat or see. In this book, the amimals are in the garden. Let's find them.

30. If I Were a Polar Bear -

Polar bear is great amimal. It has white ful, fast moving, sharp teeth. If I were a polar bear, I'll get a advanture.

31. I Want My Potty -

Everyone was children. And they were evacuate urine at the potty. This story is about the little princess. She is too young, so she need potty. But when you took her potty too late.

댓글(4) 먼댓글(0) 좋아요(1)
bookJourney 2008-07-21 08:22   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
알록달록 예쁜 표지만으로도 눈길을 끄는 책이네요.
그림책 읽고 착실하게 글을 쓰는 상철이에게 추천~~~

최상철 2008-07-21 08:40   좋아요 0 | URL
참 이쁜 책이예요~ 원래 제가 그림책 좋아하는데, 이 책 시리즈는 유달리 이쁜 책이 많아요~ 팝업 종류가 대부분인지라~ 아이 입력한 글에 책 내용 사진이라도 찍어 좀 붙여주면 좋으련만 귀차니즘이~~ ㅎㅎ 추천 감사해요~

채은엄마 2014-10-07 08:57   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | 수정 | 삭제 | URL
딸아이에게 사줄 씨뿌리기 책 보다가 들어왔습니다.배울점이 참 많은 학생이시네요~
응원합니다. 화이팅~^^

최상철 2014-12-19 20:22   좋아요 0 | URL