Can You Believe It?: 3: Book (Paperback) Can You Believe It? 3
Jann Huizenga 지음 / Oxford(옥스포드) / 2000년 8월
평점 :

This is a third book of <Can You Believe It?>. This book make me more surprised than book 1. This is a real happening, when children did hiking, a mountain lion grabed a boy by his teeth. So a big boy fight tooth and nail with the lion, so the lion run away. If I meet a lion, I'll run away to far place. I told this story to my mother,

"Mom! Do you know the story? there was a boy and he saved a little boy to a mountain lion! Nonoe can do this."

"Wow, that's great! What is his name? I think he is very brave."

우리 어머니께서는 그 사실에 무척이나 놀라셨다. 과연 이런 이야기를 믿을 사람이 몇이나 될까? 하긴 이 넓디넓은 지구에서, 65억이나 되는 지구 사이에 그런 일이 일어날 확률이 아예 없지는 않을 것이다. Can You Believe It 시리즈가 더 없어서 무척 아쉽다. 

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