Sarah 시리즈 3번째.
1권과 2권은 첫째 Anna가 화자이고, 3권은 둘째 Caleb이 화자.
새로운, 정체불명의 남자가 등장.
이 남자의 정체는?!

I sat down and opened the empty book.
"If Anna were writing in this book," I said,
"she would begin a story. ‘Once upon a time astrange old man visited the Witting farm . . .‘
"A robber," said Cassie slyly.
"Stop that, Cassie. He is not a robber," said Sarah.
"Now I have something to write about in my book," I said.
"There are always things to write about,"
Sarah said. "Thoughts, fears, wishes, hopes, dreams."
I looked across the table at Cassie. Her mouth formed the word "robbers."
I smiled and began to write. - P20

At last something has happened here. Not just snow and wind and chores. A strange man has come to the farm. Cassie found him first.
He is not imaginary.
But he is mysterious. - P21

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