Dad cleared his throat. "Chris, please don‘t beat yourself up," he said slowly. "Mom knows you love her so much. Listen, this wasa scary thing that happened today. It‘s natural for you to be upset. When something scary like this happens, it acts like a wake-up call, you know? It makes us reassess what‘s important in life. Our family. - P169

Our friends. The people we love." He was looking at me while hewas talking, but I almost felt like he was talking to himself. His eyeswere very moist. "Let‘s just be grateful she‘s fine, okay, Chris? Andwe‘ll take really good care of her together, okay?"
I nodded. I didn‘t try to say anything, though. I knew it wouldjust come out as more tears.
Dad pulled me close to him, but he didn‘t say anything, either. Maybe for the same reason. - P170

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