a riot of colour 온갖 다채로운 색깔들. 꽃이 만발한
jutted out 돌출된
thug 폭력배
feat 위업
endearment 애정을 담은[표현하는] 말[표현]
absurdly 우스꽝스럽게
turn green with envy 남이 잘 되는 것에 심술이 나다

There were two loves in Mr Hoppy‘s life. One was the flowers he grew on his balcony. They grew in pots and tubs and baskets, and in summer the little balcony became a riot of colour. - P3
The balcony immediately below Mr Hoppy‘s jutted out a good bit further from the building than his own, so Mr Hoppy always had a fine view of what was going on down there. - P4
Oh, if only, he kept telling himself, if only he could do something tremendous like saving her life or rescuing her from a gang of armed thugs, if only he could perform some great feat that would make him a hero in her eyes. - P6
Every day, when Mr Hoppy looked over his balcony and saw Mrs Silver whispering endearments to Alfie and stroking his shell, he felt absurdly jealous. - P7
‘Of course I would!‘ Mrs Silver cried. ‘I‘d give anything to make it happen! Why, I‘ve seen pictures of giant tortoises that are so huge people can ride on their backs! If Alfie were to see those he‘d turn green with envy!‘ - P14