Ch.16 The Expanding United States

Moving West

- The United States marked off certain areas of land called ˝reservations˝ and told the Native American tribes that they could only live in these ˝reserved places.˝
- America was now a huge country, spreading over a vast continent.
- The American West had changed forever.

Stocks, Philanthropists, and Outlaws

- Andrew Carnegie practiced what he preached. He gave away 350 million dollars for college scholarships, libraries, scientific research, and many other good causes. He made a name for himself as a philanthropist.
- But this did not make him popular with everyone. Many people objected to Andrew Carnegie‘s idea that the poor have less wisdom and ability than the rich. Others pointed out that Andrew Carnegie was rich only because he had spent years and years paying the men and women who worked in his steel factories a tiny salary- while he took most of the profit at the end of the year. Carnegie, they claimed, was no better than an outlaw. Like many wealthy stockholders, Andrew Carnegie had stolen the work of others and taken it for himself.

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