Ch. 24 The Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Turks Attack
The Byzantine Empire는 Muslim, Mongols, Russians 외 여러 나라의 공격을 물리쳤으나 Ottoman Turks 공격에 무너짐
The Capture of Constantinople
1444, Mehmed 왕위에 오름, Constantinople 함락
The fall of Constantinople, on May 29, 1453, is one of the great event of medieval history. The End of Middle Ages
Suleiman the Lawgiver
The greatest emperor and sultan of all was Suleiman, 1520
Suleiman 사망시 “Slave of God, Master of the World, Shad of Baghdad and Iraq, Caesar of all the Lands of Rome, and the Sultan of Egypt”로 불림
아들 왕위, 이후 세력 약해짐, 300년 지속

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