Lots of Hearts (Paperback + CD 1장)
언어세상 편집부 지음 / Penguin Putnam Books / 2009년 8월
평점 :

 아주 작은 반전이 있는 이야기라 재밌다. 발렌타인 데이에 엄마 아빠와 애완 물고기, 강아지한테까지 카드를 보내는데 그것을 만들 때의 재료에 관한 이야기, 그리고 각각의 선물을 어디에다 숨겨뒀다가, 깜짝 놀라게 해줄 것인지의 장소가 나온다.  in과 on의 쓰임과 표현을 익힐 수 있다. 


1.  What don't I have when making greeting cards? 

         colored papers /  paints / sticky tapes / glue



2.  Who wants to help me wagging her tail? 

   a dog /  a cat /  fish /  a duck

3.  Where do I hide a card for my dad? 

   in his pocket /  in his boot /  in his book /  in his bag



4.  What's on a card for my mom? 

  a red heart and pink ribbons /  a red heart and red ribbons

 /  a pink heart and red roses / a pink heart and pink ribbons



5.  Where do I hide a card for my mom? 

  in her pocket /   in her boot /  in her book /  in her bag




6.  What's on a card for my fish? 

 /  a red heart and pink ribbons / a pink heart and red roses

/  a pink heart and a yellow shell / a blue heart and a yellow shell




 7.  What's on a card for my dog?

/ a red heart and pink ribbons  /a pink heart and red roses

/ a blue heart and a yellow shell / a green heart and a big bone



8.  Where do I hide a card for my dog? 

         in her pocket /  in her boot / in her house /  on her fishbowl



9.  Where are all the cards? 

         in the book of my dad / in the boot of my mom

          in the house of my dog /  on my desk

10.  What's in the house of my dog besides the cards? 

         shoes /   boots /  books /  puppies


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노부영 Today Is Monday (Boardbook + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 211
에릭 칼 글 그림 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2001년 4월
평점 :

에릭 칼의 그림으로도, 노부영으로도 더 잘 알려진 책. 요일별 일곱 가지의 음식 종류가 나온다.  

 아무리 노래로 부른들 Come and eat it up! 하는 부분이 잘 입에 붙지 않았는데, 애들은 또 그렇지 않은 것 같다. 요일별로 뭘 먹을까 생각하며 즐겁게 부르는 노래라니, 어른들의 삶도 이렇게 단순하고 즐거웠으면,,,



1.  What does the hedgehog eat on Monday? 

  string beans / spaghetti / roast beef /  fresh fish

2.  What does the snake eat on Tuesday?

   string beans / spaghetti /  roast beef / fresh fish

 3.  Who eats on Wednesday?

    the elephant / the dinosaur /  the crocodile /  the hippopotamus 

4.  What does the cat eat on Thursday?

   string beans /   ice cream /  roast beef /  fresh fish


5.  What does the pelican eat on Friday?

   chicken / spaghetti / roast beef / fresh fish

 6.  What does the fox eat on Saturday?

 / string beans /  spaghetti /   chicken /  fresh fish

 7.  What does the monkey eat on Sunday?

 ice cream /   spaghetti / roast beef / string beans

8.  Who does the parrot invite to the feast? 

 lonely children /  poor children /  hungry children /  orphaned children

9.  How many children are invited to the feast?

/  two children /  four children /  five children /  seven children

10.  What is the boy in yellow and red striped T-shirt eating among the children?

    chicken / spaghetti / roast beef /  ice cream

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흐미,,, 그러고 보니, 바퀴벌레 튀김 같은 거,, ㅎ 씹었을 때, 멀건 액이 입안에 고일 거라는 걸 상상하니,, 역시 안 되겠네요 ;;;;
노부영 Have You Seen My Duckling? (Paperback + CD) [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 145
낸시 태퍼리 글 그림 / Mulberry Books / 2006년 6월
평점 :


 번역판으로나 한글판으로나 너무나 유명한 책.

영어 그림책의 시작 도서로서 정평이 나 있는 책이다.

약간의 문장이 들어갈 뿐, 삽화가 모든 스토리를 다 말해 주고 있는 책이기 때문에 엄마들의 호불호가 갈리는 책인 것 같다.


1.  Whose baby animal is a duckling? 

        a goose / a chicken /  a duck / a goat

2.  How many ducklings are leaving the nest?

         just one /  two  /  three /  four

3.  Why is the duckling leaving the nest?

    to chase after a fly / to chase after a butterfly

  to chase after a frog /  to chase after a bee


4.  How many ducklings are left in the nest then?

 just one /  three /  five / seven


5.  What are the duck and the rest of ducklings doing?

   They are having lunch. /  They are moving to a new nest.

 / They are looking for the missing duckling.

/  They are happy to have the duckling missing.

6.  What does the duck ask whenever she meets other animals?

         "Have you seen my foal?" /   "Have you seen my calf?"

          "Have you seen my chick?" /  "Have you seen my duckling?"


 7.  Which animal doesn't the duck meet on her way to find her missing duckling?

         a tortoise /  a beaver /  a fish /  a chicken


8.  What do ducklings look like?

    yellow and brown /  yellow and red / green and brown / green and red


9.  How many ducklings does the duck have at last?

 just one /  five /   seven /   eight


10.  Who is looking at the duck and duckling sleeping?

  a frog /  a tortoise /  a beaver /  a fish


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Spring Is Here (Paperback + CD 1장 + Mother Tip) - My Little Library My Little Library Pre-Step Set 22
고미 타로 지음 / 문진미디어(외서) / 2001년 1월
평점 :

고미 타로의 한글 번역 동화책을 많이 구입했었는데, 영문판으로도 나온 게 있는 것은 또 처음 알았다. 남자 작가라는 것도 또 처음 알았네!!

볼로냐 도서전에서 수상을 하는 등 국제적으로 알려진 작품.

계절의 변화와 함께 어린 송아지의 자란 모습을 한편의 쉬운 스토리로 담았다.



1.  What melts in spring?

  the sun /the snow /  the moon / the ice cream


2.  How is the earth in spring?

   It's dry. / It's frozen. /  It's fresh. / It's muddy.


 3.  What sprouts in spring?

  the snow /the grass / the sun / the river


4.  What blooms in spring?

  the grass / the flowers /  the river /  the snow

5.  What grows in spring?

 /  the snow /  the ice / the glass /  the grass


6.  What blows in summer?

   the winds /  the flowers /  the grass /  the river


 7.  When does harvest arrive?

 /   in spring /   in summer /  in fall /  in winter

8.  When does the snow fall?

 in spring /  in summer / in fall / in winter


9.  When is the world white?

/ in spring / in summer / in fall /  in winter


 10.  When does the snow melt?

  in spring /  in summer /  in fall / in winter


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Princess Buttercup (Book + Audio CD) All Aboard Reading Station Stop 1 (Book + CD) 18
Wendy Cheyette Lewison 지음 / Grosset & Dunlap / 2007년 3월
평점 :

Princess Buttercup를 읽는 아이의 첫 반응은 "엄마, 근데 나(남자아이)한테 왜 공주 책을 주고 그래~!"였다. 엄마도 몰랐다. 6명의 프린세스들이 나오는 책인줄은,,,


그래도 Buttercup 공주가 나비 등에 올라타고,  Magic Garden으로 돌아오기까지 과정이 닐스의 신기한 모험처럼 전개되려나 싶어, 눈망울을 초롱초롱 빛낸다.


리딩 테스트의 선지로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있다. 넷 중 고르게 한다.


1.  How many Flower Princesses are in the magic garden? 

/ five /  six /  seven /  eight


2.  Who sets the table for a party?

/Princess Rose and Princess Hyacinth / Princess Lily and Princess Iris

 / Princess Tulip and Princess Rose / Princess Tulip and Princess Lily


3.  Who gets the band ready for a party?

/  Princess Lily /   Princess Iris /  Princess Rose / Princess Tulip 



4.  Who makes a cake for a party?

 Princess Hyacinth / Princess Lily  / Princess Buttercup / Princess Rose 

5.  Who makes up a game to play at a party? 

/ Princess Tulip / Princess Lily  / Princess Buttercup /Princess Iris



6.  Who picks buttercups for a party?

 Princess Hyacinth / Princess Buttercup / Princess Rose /Princess Lily

7.  What does Princess Buttercup follow forgetting all about the party?

 a bird / a frog /  a butterfly / a dragonfly

8.  Where is Princess Buttercup lost?

 in the sea / in the woods / in town / in the magic garden

9.  How can Princess Buttercup make the butterfly come to her?

She kneels down and prays. / She cries until it comes to her.

She threatens it with a gun. / She sings a song holding up a buttercup.



10.  Who takes Princess Buttercup to the magic garden?

a Prince / a frog / a butterfly / a fairy


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