Princess Buttercup를 읽는 아이의 첫 반응은 "엄마, 근데 나(남자아이)한테 왜 공주 책을 주고 그래~!"였다. 엄마도 몰랐다. 6명의 프린세스들이 나오는 책인줄은,,,
그래도 Buttercup 공주가 나비 등에 올라타고, Magic Garden으로 돌아오기까지 과정이 닐스의 신기한 모험처럼 전개되려나 싶어, 눈망울을 초롱초롱 빛낸다.
리딩 테스트의 선지로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있다. 넷 중 고르게 한다.
1. How many Flower Princesses are in the magic garden?
/ five / six / seven / eight
2. Who sets the table for a party?
/Princess Rose and Princess Hyacinth / Princess Lily and Princess Iris
/ Princess Tulip and Princess Rose / Princess Tulip and Princess Lily
3. Who gets the band ready for a party?
/ Princess Lily / Princess Iris / Princess Rose / Princess Tulip
4. Who makes a cake for a party?
Princess Hyacinth / Princess Lily / Princess Buttercup / Princess Rose
5. Who makes up a game to play at a party?
/ Princess Tulip / Princess Lily / Princess Buttercup /Princess Iris
6. Who picks buttercups for a party?
Princess Hyacinth / Princess Buttercup / Princess Rose /Princess Lily
7. What does Princess Buttercup follow forgetting all about the party?
a bird / a frog / a butterfly / a dragonfly
8. Where is Princess Buttercup lost?
in the sea / in the woods / in town / in the magic garden
9. How can Princess Buttercup make the butterfly come to her?
She kneels down and prays. / She cries until it comes to her.
She threatens it with a gun. / She sings a song holding up a buttercup.
10. Who takes Princess Buttercup to the magic garden?
a Prince / a frog / a butterfly / a fairy