Doll Party (Paperback)
Shirley Albert / Grosset & Dunlap / 1994년 9월
평점 :
이 책은 쥐인지 토끼인지 모를 동물이 등장하는 표지와 제목만 보고, 절반의 부모로부터 외면당하기 쉬워 평가절하되는 책인데, 책을 들취보면 실상은 그렇지가 않다.
비록 아이 책이지만 스토리의 인과 관계와 서사 구조가 나름 탄탄하달까.
새인형 새것을 좋아하는 아이라면 함께 읽으며 새것이 헌 것이 되어버릴 수 밖에 없는 과정과 그 안에 담긴 까닭을 이야기를 통해 살필 수 있을 것이며, 여아들 특유의 친구 관계도 엿볼 수 있는 책.
1. What does Becky's grandma send for her?
a new bike / a new stake / a new dolly / a new shirt
2. What does Becky's new dolly wear?
a pretty dress with hearts on it / a pretty dress with stars on it
a pretty dress with roses on it / a pretty dress with dots on it
3. For whom does Becky want to have a party?
for her mother / for her father /for her new dolly / for herself
4. What is Nan doing when Becky goes to her house?
She is baking cookies. / She is taking a shower.
She is doing her homework. / She is doing some gardening.
5. What does Becky help Mary do in the garden?
She helps Mary pull the weeds. / She helps Mary water the flowers.
/ She helps Mary plant flowers. / She helps Mary trim the trees.
6. Where is Jill when Becky asks for the party?
She is in the garden. / She is in the kitchen.
/ She is in the attic. / She is in her room.
7. Who is dusting in the attic when Becky asks for the party?
Becky's grandma / Nan / Mary / Jill
8. Why does Becky cries on her way home?
Because she is so tired. / Because she gets lost.
Because she lose her new dolly. / Because her new dolly gets so dirty.
9. What name does Becky give to her new dolly?
Nan / Mary / Dora / Becky Junior
10. Who brings a little tea set to Becky's party?
Nan / Mary / Dora / Jill