Don't Wake the Baby (Paperback + CD 1장) All Aboard Reading A Picture Reader (Book + CD) 5
Wendy Cheyette Lewison 지음 / Grosset & Dunlap / 2010년 1월
평점 :

엄마는 자고 있는 아기가 깰까봐 노심초사해요~ 큰아이한테도 당부하지요. 조용~~ 아가를 깨우는 어떤 소란도 피우지 말라고요. 큰아이가 가만히 있는데도, 도처에서 아이를 깨울 법한 소란스러운 상황이 일어나요. 그렇지만, 아가는 조용히 잠만 잘  자거든요. 그런데!!! 아가는 의외로 작은 소리에 민감한가봐요. 파리가 에엥~~~~ 하는 소리에 그만 깨버리는데, 이 상황을 누가 해결하는지 잘 보세요~~



1.  How do baby's hands look?

 They look big. /  They look small. /   They look plump. /  They look skinny.


2.  Where do I want to give the baby a kiss? 

         on his eyes /  on his cheek /    on his nose /  on his chin


3.  Why does my mom stop me from kissing the baby? 

   Because it can make him sick. / Because it can wake him up.

     Because it is dangerous to him. /  Because he doesn't like being kissed.



4.  What beeps going by the house?

         a duck / a car /a dog / a cat

5.  What happens when the phone rings?

         The baby wakes up and cries. /  The baby sings along with the sound.

        The baby doesn't wake up. /    A cat cries loudly.


6.  What makes a noise with a loud bang in the house? 

  a phone / a television / a hammer / a saw



7.  What wakes the baby up?

 a phone ring /  a dog's bark /  a cat's crying / a fly's buzzing sound




8.  What does my mom bring to the baby when he wakes up? 

         a rattle /a milk bottle /   a teddy bear / a story book



9.  What does my dad bring to the baby when he wakes up?  

         a toy robot / a milk bottle / a stuffed rabbit / a story book




10.  What do I do to stop the baby from crying? 

  I shake a rattle. / I sing a lullaby.

 I read him a story book. / I sit and hold the baby.

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Doll Party (Paperback)
Shirley Albert / Grosset & Dunlap / 1994년 9월
평점 :

이 책은 쥐인지 토끼인지 모를 동물이 등장하는 표지와 제목만 보고, 절반의 부모로부터 외면당하기 쉬워 평가절하되는 책인데, 책을 들취보면 실상은 그렇지가 않다.

비록 아이 책이지만 스토리의 인과 관계와 서사 구조가 나름 탄탄하달까.

새인형 새것을 좋아하는 아이라면 함께 읽으며 새것이 헌 것이 되어버릴 수 밖에 없는 과정과 그 안에 담긴 까닭을 이야기를 통해 살필 수 있을 것이며, 여아들 특유의 친구 관계도 엿볼 수 있는 책. 

1.  What does Becky's grandma send for her? 

  a new bike / a new stake / a new dolly / a new shirt

2.  What does Becky's new dolly wear?

  a pretty dress with hearts on it / a pretty dress with stars on it

  a pretty dress with roses on it / a pretty dress with dots on it


3.  For whom does Becky want to have a party? 

 for her mother /  for her father /for her new dolly /  for herself

4.  What is Nan doing when Becky goes to her house?

  She is baking cookies. / She is taking a shower.

  She is doing her homework. / She is doing some gardening.


5.  What does Becky help Mary do in the garden?

  She helps Mary pull the weeds. / She helps Mary water the flowers.

 / She helps Mary plant flowers. / She helps Mary trim the trees.


6.  Where is Jill when Becky asks for the party? 

 She is in the garden. /  She is in the kitchen.

 /  She is in the attic. / She is in her room.

7.  Who is dusting in the attic when Becky asks for the party?

   Becky's grandma /    Nan /  Mary /   Jill

8.  Why does Becky cries on her way home?  

   Because she is so tired. /  Because she gets lost.

   Because she lose her new dolly. / Because her new dolly gets so dirty.


9.  What name does Becky give to her new dolly? 

  Nan / Mary /  Dora  / Becky Junior


10.  Who brings a little tea set to Becky's party?

  Nan /  Mary /  Dora  / Jill




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The Little Engine That Could Helps Out (Paperback + CD 1장)
와티 파이퍼 지음 / Penguin Putnam Books / 2009년 8월
평점 :

이 작품은 best of the best 이다.  요즘 아이들은 잘 해야 할 것이 너무나 많다. 어른들이 말하는 "너 이건 연습 많이 해서 잘 해야 한다~!,' 하는 분야도 있겠지만, 스스로가 잘 하고 싶은 것도 있을 것이다. 그렇지만 그런 것들은 대개 마음대로 잘 되어지지 않는다. 그럼, 마치 신포도 이야기처럼, 체념을 한다. 잘 못하니까 안 할래. (속으로는 무지 잘 하고 싶지만, 체면상)

이 이야기처럼 이럴 땐 주변 사람들이나 친구들의 도움을 받는 것도 좋은 일이라는 것을 아이가 이야기속에서 자연스럽게 깨닫는다면, 참 좋겠다.


 "I think I can." 라고 말해 보라면서, 기차 아저씨가 광대 원숭이의 자전거 타기를 도와 준다.

1.  What doesn't the little clown do? 

    doing tricks / walking on his hands / standing on a ball / juggling with balls

2.  What does the little clown want to get? 

  a ball /  a monkey /  a bike /  a train


3.  From whom is the little clown given a new bike? 

  the monkey / the train / the dolls /  another little clown

4.  Whose birthday is coming?

 monkey's  /   train's /  dolls' / the little clown's


5.  Where does the little clown fall off? 

   from the ladder / from the tree / from the roof / from the bike


6.  Who looks for the little clown? 

/  the monkey /  the train /    the dolls /   another little clown


7.  Where is the clown found? 

     by the barn /  by the circus tent /  by the tree /    He isn't found anywhere.

8.  What does it take to learn to ride a bike? 

   time /  money /   skill /  talent

9.  What does the little clown say to himself over and over while trying to ride a bike? 

    "I think I can." /   "I think I can't." / "I wish I can." /  "I wish I can't."


10.  Who doesn't eat the cake? 

  the dolls /   the monkey /  the train /  the bike


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Is That You, Santa? (Paperback + CD 1장) All Aboard Reading A Picture Reader (Book + CD) 2
Margaret A. Hartelius 지음 / Grosset & Dunlap / 2010년 1월
평점 :

 이브날 자정 산타가 집에 오시는 것을 목격하고픈 아이의 조바심나는 심정이 고스란히 드러나 있다. 문닫는 소리, 전화벨 소리, 팝콘 씹는 소리, 방울 밟는 소리에도 "Is That You, Santa? "인가 하고, 그럴 때마다 부모님은 잘 시간이니까, 침대로 가라고! 하신다.

결국 아이는 산타를 보았을까?


1.  What's hung on the fireplace when it is Christmas Eve? 

         socks /  cookies /  ribbons /  toys


2.  What is trimmed when it is Christmas Eve? 

         my hair /  the tree / the cat / the gloves


3.  Where are cookies for Santa? 

   on the fireplace / in the chimney /  on the table /  on the night stand

4.  What rings ding ding? 

     Santa /  the telephone / the doorbell /   the clock 

5.  How is Santa coming into my house? 

  down our chimney /  through the front door /  through the back door

     through the window

6.  What did Daddy take out? 

  the toys /  the socks /   the trash / the cookies

7.  What did the wind blow shut? 

    the door /  the window / my eyes /  the electricity

8.  Who broke some balls? 

    Santa /  Daddy /   Mommy /  the cat


9.  What are Mommy and Daddy eating while watching TV? 

      cookies /  popcorn /  sandwiches / a pizza


10.  When are my eyes closing? 

   when I am getting hungry / when I am getting sleepy

 /   when I am getting happy / when I am getting angry

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The Big Snowball (Paperback + CD 1장)
Wendy Cheyette Lewison 지음 / Penguin Putnam Books / 2009년 8월
평점 :

말괄량이 삐삐 시리즈에서 좋아하는 장면이 있는데, 언덕에서 구르는 눈덩어리가 삐삐의 돈을 노리는 이인조 도둑 아저씨들을 골탕먹이는 장면이다. 딱 그 장면이 떠오르는 이야기 물론 이 이야기 속에서는 이인조 악당 아저씨들 따위는 없지만 말이다. 눈덩어리가 날아서 날아서 어디로 가는지, 결국 누구의 차지가 되는지, 떠난 것이 본래의 자리로 돌아온다는 아이들의 시선에서 상상할 수 있는 그런, 부메랑을 연상시키는 이야기다.  



1.  What did the boy buy?

         mittens / a treat / a mask /  a shovel


2.  What did the boy do?

  He gave the snowball to Jane. / He named the snowball Jin.

         He threw the snowball. /  He patted the snowball.

3.  What did the snowball do?

   It stopped the cars and trucks. /  It made holes.

    It fell in the pond. / It shook trees and grass.


 4.  How was the boy?

 He wanted to read a book. /  He was sleepy.

   He was tired. /   He was hungry.

5.  What did Miss Jones do?

   She didn't like the snow. / She watched TV.

  She talked on the phone. / She played the piano.

6.  What did the boy want?

   He wanted to read a book. /   He wanted to take a nap.

  He wanted to draw a picture. /  He wanted a good thing to eat.


7.  How was the hill?

   It was tall. /  It was round. / It had caves. / It was not tall.


8.  What went past boys and girls?

    The baseball / The snowball /  The balloon / The soccer ball

9.  Where did the snowball go?

 The snowball went into the bakery. / The snowball went into the school.

The snowball went into the bookstore. / The snowball went into an ice-cream shop.

10.  What happened at the end of the story?

    The snowball bounced on the roads. / The snowball almost hit eggs.

      There was no more snowball. / The snowball rolled over grass.


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