Arthur Helps Out (Paperback + CD)
마크 브라운 지음 / Little Brown / 2009년 2월
평점 :

아주 소소한 이야기이지만, 사소한 것이 일상에서는 얼마나 중요한지 일테면, 청소 같은 것 말이다. 집안일을 돕는 어린이 모습, 고단한 노동 끝에 전사의 휴식. 이 역시 숭고해라.



1.  What did Arthur want to do on Saturday morning?


         He wanted to help out Mom and Dad.

         He wanted to help out D.W.

         He wanted to play.

         He wanted to do his homework.



2.  What did Arthur need to do?


         He needed to play with his friends.

         He needed to see his friends.

         He needed to sit in the tree house.

         He needed to help out around house.



3.  What did Arthur mutter to himself?


         "My room is always messy."

         "I don't see what's wrong with my room."

         "I don't know where things are."

         "I should have cleaned my room earlier."




4.  What couldn't Arthur believe?


         D.W. wore so many different things.

         D.W. wore only a few things.

         D.W.'s room was so messy.

         D.W.'s room was so neat and clean.



5.  What did Arthur stuff in a barrel?


         Bionic Bunny

         the trash

         the plates

         the glasses



6.  Who helped Arthur get free?









7.  Who gave Pal a bath?








8.  What did D.W. want to help?


         collecting the dirty laundry

         taking out the trash

         giving Pal a bath

         unloading the dishwasher




9.  What are easy to break?


         plates and glasses






10.  Where did Arthur carry boxes?


         into Mom's office

         into the attic

         into the kitchen

         into his room



11.  What did Arthur leave out when he picked up toys?


         Teddy Bear

         Bionic Bunny

         a toy car

         a soccer ball



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Arthur's Heart Mix-Up (Book + Audio CD)
마크 브라운 지음 / (주)세종문고 / 2008년 11월
평점 :


아서 이야기가 재밌는 것은 아서 혼자만의 캐릭터 때문이 아니라, 까칠한 마이 페이스인 여동생을 비롯한 가족 그리고 무엇보다, 아서의 친구들 때문이 아닐까. 과학 과제로 심장 모형을 만들다 거의 완성된 시점에서 애완견 팔이 달려 드는 바람에 모형이 깨지고, 이에 상심한 아서를 보고 친구들은 (실연의 아픔으로) 심장이 부서졌다고 오해를 한다.




1.  What was Arthur's science project about?




         human heart




2.  Why did Pal jump up?


         to play with Arthur

         for a closer look

         to run away

         to watch TV



3.  What happened to Arthur's science project?


         It was crashed.

         It was painted.

         It walked.

         It was hidden.



4.  What was Binky doing?


         He was launching a rocket.

         He was riding a bicycle.

         He was solving a mystery.

         He was shooting baskets.



5.  What was Brain doing?


         He was launching a rocket.

         He was riding a bicycle.

         He was solving a mystery.

         He was shooting baskets.



6.  What were Muffy and Francine doing?


         They were launching a rocket.

         They were riding bicycles.

         They were solving a mystery.

         They were shooting baskets.



7.  What was Buster doing?


         He was launching a rocket.

         He was riding a bicycle.

         He was solving a mystery.

         He was shooting baskets.




8.  Why did Arthur's friends think someone broke his heart?


         Because Arthur said his heart was broken.

         Because Arthur said his science project was broken

         Because Arthur was tripped over.

         Because Arthur looked happy.





9.  When was Arthur's science project due?


         the next day

         the day before


         last week



10.  How was Buster going to help?


         He was going to solve the mystery.

         He was going to bring some snacks.

         He was going to watch the dog.

         He was going to take a nap




11.  What did Arthur and his friends do togegher?


         They played baseball.

         They played hide and seek.

         They fixed the broked heart together.

         They held a party at Arthur's home.



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Arthur's Homework (Paperback + CD)
마크 브라운 지음 / Little Brown / 2009년 2월
평점 :

마감기한이 금요일까지인 숙제를 월요일에 받았지만 목요일이 되도록 아서는 자신의 숙제를 하지 못한다. 친구들의 숙제를 도와주느라 하루 이틀을 남은 날들을 보냈기 때문이다. 하지만, 금요일까지 자신의 숙제를 하지 못한 아서는 선생님께 꾸중을 듣는데, 친구들이 선생님께 자신들의 숙제가 아서와의 공동 작업이었음을 밝혀 주고, 아서는 선생님께 칭찬도 듣고, 친구들과의 우정도 확인하게 되는 훈훈한 결말. 그런데 숙제한번 거창도 하지, 자기들이 사는 동네에 대해 조사하는 프로젝트인데, 동네의 역사를 연구하기 위해 동영상 촬영을 하거나, 동네를 한눈에 조망하는 모형들을 만든다.


1.  When were the Town Projects due?

         They were due on Monday.

         They were due on Friday.

         They were due on Thursday.

         They were due on Tuesday.



2.  Why was Arthur a little worried?


         He had lots of other things to do besides the project.

         He wanted to watch the baseball game.

         He didn't like his friends.

         He didn't have an idea for his project yet.



3.  Who was studying wind patterns around Elwood City?



         the Brain





4.  Who did Arthur help out on Monday?




         the Brain

         Mr. Ratburn




5.  What was Buster doing on Tuesday?


         He was watching a video at home.

         He was making a video about Elwood City.

         He was buying some candies at the store.

         He was making a model of Elwood City.



6.  Who did Buster want Arthur to be to do his project?


         a cameraman



         the driver



7.  Who stopped by after school on Wednesday?




         the Brain





8.  What was Francine doing on Thursday?


         She was making a poster.

         She was studying wind patterns around Elwood City.

         She was making a video about Elwood City.

         She was making a model of Elwood City.



9.  What did Arthur do to help Francine?


         He drew a poster.

         He mixed pail after pail of plaster.

         He flew a kite.

         He cleaned the bathroom.



10.  Who didn't bring the project?





         the Brain



11.  How many projects did Arthur work on?








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Me and My Robot (Paperback + CD 1장) All Aboard Reading Station Stop 1 (Book + CD) 14
Tracey West 지음 / Grosset & Dunlap / 2007년 3월
평점 :

취학 전후의 아이들이 재미있어 할 만한 스토리이다.  THE SHOW-AND-TELL 이 뭔지 몰랐는데, 영어권 학교의 학급에서 하는 행사인 모양이다. 자기가 아끼거나 말할 사연이 있는 물건을 가져와서 발표하기 시간을 갖는 것.

주인공 Reese에게는 굉장히 아끼는 로봇이 있는데, Reese가 학교에 가 있는 동안은 로봇은 집에 있다. 그런데 이 날 발표하기 위해 로봇을 데려간다. 학급에 어디나 있을 법한 '내 것이 최고야!'하는 캐릭터의 벤이라는 친구는 앵무새를 데려왔다.


서로 자기가 최고라고 대결을 펼치는데, 사실 벤이 일방적으로 네 로봇보다 내 앵무새가 더 멋져, 하는데서 발단이 시작된다. 우리 앵무새는 날 수 있는데, 네 꺼는 못하지?, 우리 앵무새는 말도 하는데, 네 꺼는 못하지? (사실   Reese의 로봇은 말은 할 수 있지만, 앵무새가 말한"I like crackers."에 자신은 해당하지 않기 때문에(과자를 좋아하지 않음) 말을 하지 않는다. ) 등등...


그렇지만 선생님이 멋지게 중재해 주신다.




1.  What does Reese's robot do when he goes to school?




         It follows him.



         It stays home.



         It drives the school bus.



         It carries his school bag.







2.  When did Reese take his robot to school?




         He took it to school on a Show-and-Tell day.



         He always took his robot to school.



         He took his robot to school every other day.



         He has never taken his robot to school.








3.  Who did Show-and-Tell first then?




         Lucy did.



         Reese did.



         Mike did.



         Ben did.









4.  What did Mike bring for Show-and-Tell?




         a shell



         a picture



         a robot



         a parrot









5.  Who didn't like Reese's robot in his class?





















6.  Who brought a parrot for Show-and-Tell? 





















7.  Why didn't Reese's robot say anything when Reese told it to say 'Robot wants a cracker.'?




         Because it didn't know how to say.



         Because it was too shy to say something in front of people.



         Because it didn't like crackers.



         Because it couldn't understand English.








8.  Why couldn't Reese's robot fly through the hoops? 




         Because it did not fit.



         Because it didn't want to.



         Because Reese told it not to do.



         Because it thought the hoops were too dangerous.








9.  When Ben and Reese fought, who stopped them?










         Reese's robot



         Mr. Fine








10.  What did Reese's robot think about Show-and-Tell?




         It thought it was fun.



         It thought it was boring.



         It thought it was dangerous.



         It thought it was not educational.




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노부영 In the Small, Small Pond (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 6
데니스 플레밍 지음 / Puffin / 1989년 5월
평점 :

전 부시 대통령이 좋아하는 동화 작가라는 에릭 칼의 그림책. 에릭 칼의 그림책은 대다수 노부영으로 나와 있다. 이 작가도 에릭 칼과 유사한 화풍을 갖고 있고, 스토리 또한 그렇다. 의성어 의태어가 들어간 짧고 시적인 줄거리 표현이 백미라지만, 우리 아이에게는 그다지 호감 가는 그림 스타일이 아닌 모양이다. 의성어 의태어가 많고, 문장이 짧다는 것은 유아들에게 어필을 하겠지만, 책의 수준까지도 유아 수준이라고 말하기는 어려운 느낌이다. 그러니까 에릭 칼의 그림책은 짧아도 어렵다. 생각해 보면, 모국어가 아닌 이상 의성어 의태어가 필수 기본 어휘가 아닌, 어느 정도 문장력을 갖추었을 때 구사할 수 있는 고등 수즌의 단어에 해당되지 않을까 한다. 이 책에 등장하는 동물들의 이름도 그렇다. 올챙이나, 너구리, 왜가리, 가재(킹크랩 아니무니다) 같은 것은 그림을 봐도 긴가민가라 사전을 찾아보고 찾았다.   




1.  Which animals wriggle and jiggle in the small pond? 






















2.  Which animals waddle and wade in the small pond? 





















3.  Which animals hover and shiver their wings in the small pond?





















4.  Which animals drowse and doze in the small pond? 





















5.  Which animals lash and lunge in the small pond?





















6.  Which animals scatter in the small pond?





















7.  Which animals swoop and scoop in the small pond?





















8.  Which animals click and clack with their claws in the small pond?





















9.  Which animals splash with their paws in the small pond?















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책읽는나무 2012-09-22 21:03   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
부시 대통령이 에릭 칼을 좋아했었어요??

icaru 2012-09-24 10:44   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
그 얘기 듣고, 그림 보니까 내 스타일은 아닌 것 같고 하더라고요. 사람 선입견이 ㅋㅋ
근데, 그런 이야기도 있어요. 부시 대통령 어릴 적엔 에릭 칼의 작품이 아직 나오지 않았을 거라고, 성인이 되어서 좋아했나??? 하는 추측들도 하더라고요.