취학 전후의 아이들이 재미있어 할 만한 스토리이다. THE SHOW-AND-TELL 이 뭔지 몰랐는데, 영어권 학교의 학급에서 하는 행사인 모양이다. 자기가 아끼거나 말할 사연이 있는 물건을 가져와서 발표하기 시간을 갖는 것.
주인공 Reese에게는 굉장히 아끼는 로봇이 있는데, Reese가 학교에 가 있는 동안은 로봇은 집에 있다. 그런데 이 날 발표하기 위해 로봇을 데려간다. 학급에 어디나 있을 법한 '내 것이 최고야!'하는 캐릭터의 벤이라는 친구는 앵무새를 데려왔다.
서로 자기가 최고라고 대결을 펼치는데, 사실 벤이 일방적으로 네 로봇보다 내 앵무새가 더 멋져, 하는데서 발단이 시작된다. 우리 앵무새는 날 수 있는데, 네 꺼는 못하지?, 우리 앵무새는 말도 하는데, 네 꺼는 못하지? (사실 Reese의 로봇은 말은 할 수 있지만, 앵무새가 말한"I like crackers."에 자신은 해당하지 않기 때문에(과자를 좋아하지 않음) 말을 하지 않는다. ) 등등...
그렇지만 선생님이 멋지게 중재해 주신다.
1. What does Reese's robot do when he goes to school?
It follows him.
It stays home.
It drives the school bus.
It carries his school bag.
2. When did Reese take his robot to school?
He took it to school on a Show-and-Tell day.
He always took his robot to school.
He took his robot to school every other day.
He has never taken his robot to school.
3. Who did Show-and-Tell first then?
Lucy did.
Reese did.
Mike did.
Ben did.
4. What did Mike bring for Show-and-Tell?
a shell
a picture
a robot
a parrot
5. Who didn't like Reese's robot in his class?
6. Who brought a parrot for Show-and-Tell?
7. Why didn't Reese's robot say anything when Reese told it to say 'Robot wants a cracker.'?
Because it didn't know how to say.
Because it was too shy to say something in front of people.
Because it didn't like crackers.
Because it couldn't understand English.
8. Why couldn't Reese's robot fly through the hoops?
Because it did not fit.
Because it didn't want to.
Because Reese told it not to do.
Because it thought the hoops were too dangerous.
9. When Ben and Reese fought, who stopped them?
Reese's robot
Mr. Fine
10. What did Reese's robot think about Show-and-Tell?
It thought it was fun.
It thought it was boring.
It thought it was dangerous.
It thought it was not educational.