노부영 Have You Seen My Duckling? (Paperback + CD) [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 145
낸시 태퍼리 글 그림 / Mulberry Books / 2006년 6월
평점 :


 번역판으로나 한글판으로나 너무나 유명한 책.

영어 그림책의 시작 도서로서 정평이 나 있는 책이다.

약간의 문장이 들어갈 뿐, 삽화가 모든 스토리를 다 말해 주고 있는 책이기 때문에 엄마들의 호불호가 갈리는 책인 것 같다.


1.  Whose baby animal is a duckling? 

        a goose / a chicken /  a duck / a goat

2.  How many ducklings are leaving the nest?

         just one /  two  /  three /  four

3.  Why is the duckling leaving the nest?

    to chase after a fly / to chase after a butterfly

  to chase after a frog /  to chase after a bee


4.  How many ducklings are left in the nest then?

 just one /  three /  five / seven


5.  What are the duck and the rest of ducklings doing?

   They are having lunch. /  They are moving to a new nest.

 / They are looking for the missing duckling.

/  They are happy to have the duckling missing.

6.  What does the duck ask whenever she meets other animals?

         "Have you seen my foal?" /   "Have you seen my calf?"

          "Have you seen my chick?" /  "Have you seen my duckling?"


 7.  Which animal doesn't the duck meet on her way to find her missing duckling?

         a tortoise /  a beaver /  a fish /  a chicken


8.  What do ducklings look like?

    yellow and brown /  yellow and red / green and brown / green and red


9.  How many ducklings does the duck have at last?

 just one /  five /   seven /   eight


10.  Who is looking at the duck and duckling sleeping?

  a frog /  a tortoise /  a beaver /  a fish


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