Apples and How They Grow (Paperback + CD 1장) All Aboard Reading Station Stop 1 (Book + CD) 21
Laura Driscoll 지음 / Grosset & Dunlap / 2007년 3월
평점 :


첫 페이지에서 사과를 따는 과정 “Lift, twist, pluck.”부터 재밌는 의성어를 담겨 시작하는 이야기이다. 사과가 열리기까지의 과정이라 자칫 지루할 수도 있는데, 일단 오디오는 그나마 흥미롭게 읽어준다. 로마 사과(Rome apples) 접붙이기가 나오는데, 사과면 사과지, 로마 사과는 뭔가 했다.



                                                                                                     사진 출처 네이버 검색





리딩 테스트의 선지로는 다음과 같은 것들이 있다. 넷 중 고르게 한다.

1.  When are apples picked?

   in spring / in summer /in fall /in winter


2.  How many kinds of apples are there?

  only one kind of apple /two kinds of apples / three kinds of apples

/ hundreds of kinds of apples


3.  Where do apples come from?

  from the ground /from the water /from trees / from the roots


 4.  What color are apple seeds?

 white / red/  green / black 

5.  How long does it take for an apple tree to have apples?

 one night / a week /a month /many years



6.  What is the apple grower looking for?

 a tree with sour apples /  a tree with no apples / a tree with Rome apples        

  a tree with tart apples



7.  What does the apples grower do after he cuts a branch from the Rome apple tree?

 He burns it.   / He bury it in the ground. /He joins it to a baby apple tree.

 He makes it toothpicks.



8.  What happens to the tree to which the apple grower joins a branch from Rome apple tree? 

The two parts grow into four branches. / The two parts grow into one tree.

One of the two parts dies. / Nothing happens.



 9.  What appears in spring on the branches?

      apples / seeds/  flowers / Rome apples



10.  During the summer, what happens to the flowers? 

 The petals change their colors. /  The petals drop off.

 /  The petals become hard. /  The petals change into branches.


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