노부영 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 89
로이스 엘럿 그림, 빌 마틴 주니어 & 존 아캠볼트 글 / Aladdin / 2005년 6월
평점 :

양치질을 연상하는 의성어의 제목이지만, 실은 알파벳들의 한바탕 체육 놀이 쯤 된다.

따라서 수준또한 영유아책으로 보기 쉬운데, 실상은 그렇지가 않다. 내용이 누가 누구 위에 있고, 거기서 댄스를 추는지 걷는지 기어오르는지,, 다소 어수선하고 박진감이 넘쳐서, 시디를 활용하여 들려주는 것이 좋고, 엄마 읽어 주면 좋겠지만 역시 한바탕 같이 운동한 느낌이라 피로가 약간 몰려온다.  


1.  Where are they meeting?




         at apple tree



         at coconut tree



         at cherry tree



         at chocolate tree








2.  What do we call “a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z”?




         lowercase letters



         uppercase letters



         vowel letters



         consonant letters








3.  What were the letters doing?





















4.  Who was tangled up with letter h?






















5.  Which letter was the last to go up the tree? 
























6.  When the sun went down, what did they see? 




         a full moon



         a half moon



         a new moon



         a strange moon








7.  Who got out of bed?





















8.  What do the letters do again? 




         go shopping



         go walking



         go dancing



         go climbing




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From Head to Toe (Paperback + CD 1장) - My Little Library Set PS-36 My Little Library Pre-Step Set 36
에릭 칼 지음 / 문진미디어(외서) / 2006년 4월
평점 :


1.  Which animal can turn its head?


         the penguin

         the giraffe

         the monkey

         the gorilla



2.  Which animal can bend its neck? 


         the giraffe

         the cat

         the monkey

         the elephant



3.  Which animal can raise its shoulder?


         the crocodile

         the giraffe

         the buffalo

         the gorilla




4.  Which animal can wave its arms?


         the cat

         the monkey

         the buffalo

         the penguin



5.  Which animal can clap its hands?


         the elephant

         the seal

         the buffalo

         the giraffe




6.  Which animal can thump its chest?


         the camel

         the seal

         the gorilla

         the crocodile



7.  Which animal can arch its back?


         the cat

         the monkey

         the buffalo

         the elephant



8.  Which animal can wriggle its hips? 


         the cat

         the giraffe

         the monkey

         the crocodile



9.  Which animal can bend its knees?


         the penguin

         the crocodile

         the camel

         the seal




10.  Which animal can stomp its feet? 


         the elephant

         the gorilla

         the cat

         the seal


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노부영 Piggies (Boardbook + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 193
돈 우드 그림, 오드리 우드 글 / Harcourt / 2005년 10월
평점 :

손가락 위에서 널뛰는 돼지들이 귀엽게 그려져 있다.


1.  Where are two fat little piggies? 


         on my thumbs

         on my forefingers

         on my third fingers

         on my ring fingers




2.  Where are two smart little piggies? 


         on my thumbs

         on my forefingers

         on my third fingers

         on my ring fingers




3.  Where are two long little piggies? 


         on my thumbs

         on my forefingers

         on my third fingers

         on my ring fingers



4.  Where are two silly little piggies? 


         on my thumbs

         on my forefingers

         on my ring fingers

         on my little fingers



5.  Where are two wee little piggies?


         on my thumbs

         on my forefingers

         on my ring fingers

         on my little fingers




6.  When do I have cold little piggies?


         Sometimes it's hot.

         Sometimes it snows.

         Sometimes I take a bath.

         Sometimes I play in the mud.




7.  When do I have clean little piggies?


         Sometimes it's hot.

         Sometimes it snows.

         Sometimes I take a bath.

         Sometimes I play in the mud.



8.  When do I have dirty little piggies? 


         Sometimes it's hot.

         Sometimes it snows.

         Sometimes I take a bath.

         Sometimes I play in the mud.



8.  When do I have dirty little piggies? 


         Sometimes it's hot.

         Sometimes it snows.

         Sometimes I take a bath.

         Sometimes I play in the mud.



10.  What do little piggies do when I put them together in a row?


         They turn their backs on each other.

         They kiss each other.

         They hug each other.

         They fight with each other.


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Snail City (Paperback)
Brown, Rick / Grosset & Dunlap / 2001년 3월
평점 :

달팽이 도시에 사는 달팽이가 주인공이다. 상상하듯이 달팽이 도시에서는 느린 게 미덕이다. 그런데 우리의 주인공은 태어날 때부터 뭐든 빨랐다. 밥도 후딱 먹고, 학교도 빨리 가고, 달리기에서도 제일 빠른데, 아무도 인정을 해 주지, 인정은 커녕 낙오자 대우를 받는다.

그런 주인공 달팽이가 빠른 순간의 기지의 이용해 어려움에 처한 누군가를 도와 주고, 재조명을 받게 되었다는 이야기.  




1.  How is life in Snail city? 




         It is slow.



         It is fast.



         It is rapid.



         It is instant.





2.  What is not on the high way in Snail city?




         fast lanes



         slow lanes



         slower lanes



         slowest lanes







3.  How long does it take to get a letter by snail mail? 




         It takes several hours.



         It takes several days.



         It takes several months.



         It takes several years.








4.  What was the first word from Gail? 
























5.  What do Gail's parents keep telling her










         'Slow down.'



         'Step on it.'








6.  What is the worst thing for snails?




         being first



         being last



         being slow



         being lazy









7.  Where do snail kids go for a class trip?




         to the historical site



         to the museum



         to the amusement park



         to a flower garden








8.  Who is about to fall in the water? 







         a snail baby



         Gail's mother



         Gail's class mate







9.  What does Gail use when saving the snail baby?




         a twig



         a boat



         a tube



         a rope








10.  What does Ms. Slime think about Gail?




         She thinks Gail is very brave.



         She thinks Gail is very careless.



         She thinks Gail is very reckless.



         She thinks Gail is very irresponsible.




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책읽는나무 2012-10-24 19:34   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
근데..얜 누구에요? 보아하니 아써는 아닌 것같은데 말이죠?

icaru 2012-10-25 09:11   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
여기 올린 것 중에, 어떤 것은 아이 수준에 어려웠거나, 너무 아기 같은 내용이라서 재미없어 했거나 그랬는데요. 그 중에 이것은 딱 7세 초등 저학년용이었어요. ㅋㅋ 얜 아서는 아니고, 느린 게 미덕인 도시에 사는 뭐든지 빨리하는 아웃사이더 달팽이예요 ^^
Skating Day (Prebind)
Mayer, Mercer / Turtleback Books / 2004년 2월
평점 :

1.  What are we going to do?


         We're going skiing.

         We're going ice skating.

         We're going snow boarding.

         We're going swimming.



2.  Who spins with me on the ice?


         my little sister

         my parents

         my friend Tiger

         my friend Gator



3.  Who races with me on the ice? 


         my dog

         my little sister

         my friend Tiger

         my friend Gator

4.  Who plays ice hockey with me? 


         my little sister

         my friend Gabby

         my friend Tiger

         my friend Gator




5.  Who jumps with me?


         my dog

         my friend Gabby

         my friend Tiger

         my little sister



6.  What colored hat do I wear?


         a red one

         a yellow one

         a green one

         a pink one



7.  What colored muffler do I wear? 


         a blue one

         a brown one

         a green one

         a white one



8.  What colored skates do I wear?


         white ones

         green ones

         black ones

         grey ones



9.  What is needed for ice hockey?


         a puck

         a ball

         a shuttlecock





10.  What colored jacket does my little sister wear?


         a blue one

         a yellow one

         a green one

         a pink one



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책읽는나무 2012-10-24 19:35   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
요시리즈는 울집에도 있어요.
4학년인 아들녀석...좋아하더군요.ㅋㅋ
딱 요수준이라서..ㅠ

icaru 2012-10-25 09:14   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
몰랐는데 리뷰 쓰려고 검색해 보니까, 유명한 시리즈였더라고요. 스토리 초급용으로요. 내용이 아기 같지도 않고, 학교와 관련된 이야기이고, ㅎㅎ