My Weird School Daze #4: Coach Hyatt Is a Riot! (Paperback) My Weird School Daze 4
Gutman, Dan / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 2008년 12월
평점 :

미국에서 풋볼은 상당히 인기있는 종목이다. 미국이 월드컵에서 큰 위상을 떨치지 못하는 것이 아니라 안하는 것이라 하는 이유는, 바로 미식 축구가 발달하여 영국식 축구보다 미식 축구를 더 선호하기 때문이다. 럭비공을 잡아들고 전장과 같은 곳을 누비는 이러한 경기를, 초록 학교의 코치는 어쩌면 망치고 있는지도 몰랐다. 

Coach Hyatt was woman. So, a woman coach? I don't really care, but it is different if she or he is crazy. I can't really tell her crazy, but she is strange. She wants students to be supermen! She makes them raise up the car, and give them hell-training. And even she tries to take girls to the team. This was only the start of disaster. 

It was a hard time to take times with this mad coach, but I think they had quite funny times with her. When she swallowed whistle and going to die, the hero, A.J saved her life. A.J, the hero of these books series always save the life of people although he doesn't want to do that. So, this football game with girls were quite fun, too.

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