My Weird School Daze #3: Mr. Granite Is from Another Planet! (Paperback) My Weird School Daze 3
Gutman, Dan / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 2008년 9월
평점 :

Can you believe that there is a man who is alien from outer space at our school? Well, I don't sure there will be a alien living in Earth, but there can be an aiien if they change their body well. So, Mr. Granite, the nice, cool third-grade teacher had lost at Earth because he doesn't have any fuel to get back to his planet. Than, what does he have to do? 

Well, he said the people should protect the Earth, and the English have a lot of problem. What a green shool is this! Students ride the health bike to make electronics, and they talk about the problem of the language that they use. This is the life of A.J's school before they found that Mr. Granite is from outer space. 

Mr. Granite didn't show them his real face, but he tried to went out by spaceship using potato energy. Well, he didn't succeed so he had to be caught at wind mill, but he would make spaceship again to get back to his planet, where he was living. Are there more aliens living together just like Mr. Granite? I really don't sure about them.

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