Magic Reader 33 To the Rescue (Paperback + CD 1장) - Grade 3 (1200 words) Magic Reader 시리즈 33
Robyn Crocker 지음, Susy Boyer 그림 / 월드컴 / 2007년 10월
평점 :

Well, this is the first meet with the four kids, and I could enjoy their brave, funny advanture. Four kids tried to explorer the island, but they couldn't do that because they heard something strange. They felt scary, but they found out it was just a wild cat. It had several kittens, but it couldn't find the food to feed them. 

Four kids were really kind, so they gave their lunch to the cats. It tried to eat them, but maybe it felt dangerous, they ran away. So the children went back with some food, and boxes. While the cats were eating the food, they caught them and took them to the barn. That night, there was a lot of rain and the island was almost drawn. If they didn't  rescue them, they would die. I hope to read another series, too.

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