The Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body (Paperback) - The Magic School Bus
조애너 콜 지음 / Scholastic / 1990년 10월
평점 :

조애너 콜 작가의 신기한 스쿨버스 시리즈. 그러고보니 출간된지 벌써 20년 가까이 흘렀다. 지금도 만화로도 만들어져 아이들의 커다란 인기를 끌고 있는 과학 동화, 스쿨버스 시리즈. 오랜만에 영어판으로 프리즐 선생님과 함께 신기한 여행을 하게 되었다. 

This time, Ms. Frizzle and the children went into a human body. And I remembered Ms. Frizzle is a really stange teacher. She has a bus that can do everything. I just envy the children. They can do everything free just with Ms. Frizzle's magic school bus! 

Yes, the advanture was great. They went into the Arnold's body and saw everything. At first, they went to stomach of him, the blood contains red cells and white cells, brain, lung and heart. 

The process of our body's circulation is like this. First, he breathe deeply. Than oxygen come into lung, and CO2 get out of our body. Red blood cell will come and take oxygen to several cells in our body. Than, we can act by the oxygen, and we make CO2 to take out from our body. 

It was a great trip inside the body. I knew that Ms. Frizzle's advanture will still funny. I hope to read another advantures, too.

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