Magic Tree House #27 : Thanksgiving on Thursday (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 32
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 2002년 9월
평점 :

마법의 시간여행 27권. 처음 읽을때는 내용을 이해하지 못해 숨가쁘게 달려왔지만, 이제는 내용이 술술 읽히니 역시 영어 원서 읽기가 힘을 발휘한 듯 하다. 모르는 단어 없이 이 책을 쉽게 읽어내게 되었다는 사실이 참으로 기쁘다. 나에게도 변화가 왔듯이, 우리의 어린 주인공들에게도 모험을 통해 변화가 생겼기를 기대해보자. 

Jack is eight years old, and Annie is seven years old. It will never change. Many people thought they are too young to travel around, but they have power because they are children. There is a word that children are the most potential existence. They are too many possibilities, even they don't know that. But if they grow up without open their intellegence, than they will never have that power. I think Jack and Annie will have the every power that they can have. 

They went to the America, where Pilgrims are thanking to god. Pilgrims are the English who went to America to settle in there. But most of them died because their first cultivate had failed. They could die, but the native helped to live and teached how to cultivate. They could have the first year of abundance, and they made Thanksgiving day. They made Jack and Annie to prepare for their feast, but I know they have no idea how to prepare for it. 

It was a great explorer with the settlers. They learned the magic of living together- the magic of society, and community, We have to live togerther, that's human. Now they left only one advanture to find the secret of magic.

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