Magic Tree House #19 : Tigers at Twilight (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 24
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 1999년 8월
평점 :

이번 편은 인도의 정글 속에서 밀렵꾼에 의해 먹이 사슬의 꼭대기에 있던 강자들, 호랑이들이 사라져가는 이야기를 다룬 것이다. 멸종해가는 이들을 위해서 죽음을 무릎쓰고 호랑이를 구해주기도 하고, 고행자와 함께 숲 속의 소리를 듣게 된다. 

I didn;t know there is such a big jungle in India. There are elephants, tigers, monkeys, and other dangerous snakes and bugs... People think Jungle is a really dangerous place, but have you ever thought we are the real one who are harmful to jungle? An example for Amazon. People thought traveling Amazon is really dangerous, but we cut the trees because if we cannot travel, we rmove it. 

With cutting the trees, people started to catch tigers and any other precious animals, which live in forest. Thier fur is really comfortable, isn't it? But we have to know maybe we can never see them again. The hunters think 'I am only catching one of them', but only one tiger determine everything. 

Now, Jack and Annie got the third gift from the forest, a beautiful flower that growed through dirty mud. They are alive, and we have to know they are all together.

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