A Cheese-Colored Camper (Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 16
제로니모 스틸턴 지음 / Scholastic / 2005년 2월
평점 :

오랜만에 제르니모 스틸턴 시리즈를 꺼내 읽게 되었다. 여행을 정말 싫어하면서도, 여행을 가게 될 때마다 번번히 왕건을 건져 올리는 운이 좋은 쥐, 제르니모 스틸턴. 이번에 그의 할아버지 윌리엄으로 인하여 그와 함께 남극으로 떠나야 할 위험에 처한다. 

A chese-colored camper? Yes, the mice will really like this camper, except it is a car for travel around the north-pole. It is the most cold place in mouse island, and it's the time that sun lost. All they have is dark days, and they have to make a map for everyone. Yes, William gave Geronimo too big quest to solve. 

Finally, Geronimo found some chinese mice who live in there. They gave some help, and Geronimo could get out of there perfectly. It was too sad that Benjamin and Trap couldn't go there because they have some desease. Well, they could die in there because it's too cold to live there. 

I know that Geronimo is a great mouse. He have a great intelligence to live on everywhere. I want to read his next advantures.

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