Ch.15 Small Countries With Large Invaders

The Korean Battleground

- King Kojong and Queen Min
- Tonghak Rebellion
- August 1st, 1894 Sino-Japanese (Chinese-Japanese) War
- October morning in 1895 Queen Min was assassinated
- Fifteen years after Queen Min died, Japan made Korea part of the Japanese Empire. Queen Min‘s fears had come true; Korea had lost its independence, and Japan had taken over her little country.

The Spanish-American War
- Spanish colonies, Philippines and Cuba
- Sometimes, these newspapers made the Cuban crisis sound even worse than it was. The largest American newspapers, just before the year 1900, were the New York Journal, owned by William Randolph Hearst, and the New York World, owned by Joseph Pulitzer.
- But before much fighting could take place in Puerto Rico, Spain agreed to surrender. On December 10th, 1898, Spain and America signed a treaty called the Treaty of Paris. This treaty decreed that Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines, and another small island called Guam would no longer belong to Spain. But none of these countries were given independence. Instead, they would be ruled by the United States of America!

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