Ch.3 British Invasion

The Great Game

- Afghanistan
- Dost Mohammad Khan
- Russia vs British
- The Russian and British strategies to get control of Afghanistan became known as the Great Game.
- In 1855, thirteen years after the British disaster in Afghanistan, Dost Mohammad signed a treaty with Britain. This treaty promised that he would not attack the British, and that the British would stay out of Afshanistan.

Wandering Through Africa

- David Livingstone
- In 1857, Living-stone wrote a book about his explorations called Missionary Travels.
- In 1858, the government of Great Britain gave David Livingstone the official job of finding trade routes into Africa for British traders.
- David Livingstone had hoped to make Africa stronger. But his maps of Africa would make it easier, years later, for England and other European countries to come into Africa and to treat it just as India had been treated: like a land to be aptured, conquered, and used.

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