Ch.32 Africa and China After World War II

One Country, Two Different Worlds

- National Party laws, called acts, gave every bit of power in Souch Africa to whites. To keep whites “pure”, the acts also separated whites from the rest of South Africa, so that they could lead totally separate lives.
- The Population Registration Act identified every single South African as belonging to one of four groups: white, African, colored (people of mixed white and African descent), and Asian. Only whites had full privileges.
- This separation was called “apartheid”, a word from the Afrikaner language meaning “apartness”.

Two Republics of China

- At last Chiang and his remaining men left China and crossed over to the island of Taiwan. Here on Taiwan, Chi-ang Kai-shek announced, he would re-establish the true Republic of China, a democracy that would have free elections and that would truly preserve the culture and traditions of China- in exile.
- But in China itself, the Chinese Communist Party announced, on October Ist, 1949, that they governed the true Republic of China-the People‘s Republic of China, a communist nation, with Mao as its chairman.

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