Ch.31 Western Bullies and American Money

The Suez Crisis

- Nasser
- The Suez Crisis had two other results. In the United States, President Eisenhower asked the U.S. Congress to pass a new law called the “Eisenhower Doctrine”. This new law said that U.S. soldiers could go and fight on the side of any Middle Eastern country that asked the United States for help against an attacking army. Congress agreed to pass the law.
- And in the Middle East, Nasser became a hero. He had defied the orders of European countries and particularly Great Britain, which had so long ordered Egypt around. Arab leaders all around the world cheered for Nasser, who had shown himself to be strong, decisive, and ready to stand up to bullies.

The Marshall Plan

- The United States would give twenty billion dollars to the countries of Europe so that they could rebuild. This plan became known as the Marshall Plan.
- But while America, France, and England wanted Germany to become a democracy, the Soviet Union wanted to turn it into a communist country. The four countries couldn‘t come to an agreement about Germany‘s government- so they divided Germany in half. England, America, and France got to re-organize the western half of Germany. They helped set up a new German democracy, and used Marshall Plan money to rebuild Germany‘s roads and buildings.
- the Berlin Wall

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