Ch.14 Two Czars and Two Emperors

The Next-to-Last Czar of Russia

- Alexander II was the czar who had sent Russian soldiers down to attack the Turkish Empire and take Turkish land away. But although he was a warlike czar, Alexander II had also tried to make Russia a little bit more Western, and a little bit more modern.
- After Alexander II was killed by two assassins, Alexander III began to take away the new freedoms of the Russian people. He cancelled Alexander Il‘s decree that towns could govern themselves.
- “Alexander set out to undo everything chat his father did.”

Ethiopia and Italy

- Only two African countries remained free from European rule.
- Liberia, a country formed by the United States as a home for freed slaves, had the right to govern itself. But Liberia was a protectorate of the American government.
- Ethiopia, the only part of Africa that remained truly free.
- The Battle of Adowa, in 1896, proved to be the only time that an African country was able to fight off European invaders. Alone in Africa, Ethiopia had kept its power. And Menelik II had earned the title “Lion of Africa.”

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