전출처 : panda78 > Stephen Magsig(미국)의 그림들

O'Nieal's, Oil on Linen, 60 x 42", 2002


SOHO Natural, Oil on Linen, 60 x 42", 2002


Ansonia Hotel
Detail, Ansonia Hotel, Oil on Linen, 42 x 36", 2002


NY Reflections
NY Reflections, Oil on Linen, 30 x 24", 2002


Blue Awning
Blue Awning, Oil on Canvas, 42 x 36", 2001


Harrison and Hudson
Harrison and Hudson, Oil on Canvas, 30 x 24", 2001


80 Greene St.
80 Greene St., 82" x70", Oil on Linen, 2001


White St. Shadows
White St. Shadows, 42" x36", Oil on Linen, 2001


Corner Mercer & Broome
Corner Mercer & Broome, Oil on Linen, 30 x 24", 2001


Bank & Bleecker
Bank & Bleecker, Oil on Linen, 30 x 24", 2000


Cupcake Cafe
Cupcake Cafe, Oil on Linen, 30 x 24", 2000


Vesuvio Bakery
Vesuvio Bakery, Oil on Linen, 42 x 36", 2000


오늘은 어째 이런 그림들이 눈에 많이 들어오네요. ^^

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