When you answered my questions, you said the way to get to be an author was to write. You underlined it twice. Well, I sure did a lot of writing, and you know what? Now that I think about it, it wasn‘t so bad when it wasn‘t for a book report or a report on some country in South America or anything where I had to look things up in the library. - P31

Every time I try to think up a story, it turns out to be like something someone else has written, usually you. I want to do what you said in your tips and write like me, not like somebody else. I‘ll keep trying because I want to be a Young Author with my story printed (mimeographed). Maybe I can‘t think of a story because I am waiting for Dad to call. I get so lonesome when I am alone at night when Mom is at her nursing class. - P61

"You know," said Mom, "whenever I watch the waves, I always feel that no matter how bad things seem, life will still go on." That was how I felt, too, only I wouldn‘t have known how to say it, so I just said, "yeah." Then we drove home. - P78

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