"What will you do while we‘re gone, Papa?" asked Caleb.
"I‘ll miss you," Papa said softly, reaching out to take Caleb‘s hand. He looked at me, then, and as if he knew I would cry if I spoke, he took my hand, too.
"What will happen to us?" I asked after a moment.
Papa looked at Sarah, and his words werefor her.
"We will write letters," he said, his voicesoft. "We‘ve written letters before, you know." - P61

"Sarah," said Aunt Harriet, "will Jacob becoming, too?"
Sarah looked out the window.
"No," she said softly. "Jacob won‘t be coming."
"Papa‘s home," I said.
Somehow hearing my own words made it worse. I started to cry. Sarah put her arms around me, and I cried harder.
"Papa had to stay home." - P68

Maine is green and full of voices and people laughing and talking; the tide going in andgoing out, the moon rising above the water. Sarah loves it here. The last thing every nightshe walks by the water, and the first thing in the morning she is there, too. Now I know how much she missed her old home. I miss my home. I miss Lottie and Nick and the land and the big sky.
I miss Papa. - P69

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