노부영 Dinosaur Encore (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 128
패트리시아 멀린스 지음 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2006년 3월
평점 :

1.  What dinosaur will be like a butting billy goat?




         Tyrannosaurus Rex




2.  What dinosaur will be longer than a parade?



         Tyrannosaurus Rex





3.  What dinosaur will be crueler than a crocodile?



         Tyrannosaurus Rex





4.  What dinosaur will be faster than an ostrich?








5.  What dinosaur will be louder than a stampede?





         Tyrannosaurus Rex



6.  What dinosaur will eat more than a horse?








7.  What dinosaur will be taller than a tower?








8.  What dinosaur will be small like a dog?








9.  What dinosaur will be two thousand times bigger than children?







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노부영 Bear Hunt (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 11
앤서니 브라운 지음 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 1994년 9월
평점 :

1.  When a bear went for a walk, who appeared in the forest?








2.  What did the bear use to get out of being caught by the hunters? 




         magic wand




3.  When a hunter tried to catch the bear in a net, what did the bear do?


         The bear scared the hunter away.

         He drew a gun.

         The bear made the hunter fall down.

         The bear drew a rhinoceros.



4.  How many hunters tried to catch the bear?


         one hunter

         two hunters

         three hunters

         four hunters



5.  One of the hunters used a rope to catch the bear. What did he get?


         He caught a rhinoceros.

         He got a tree.

         He got a rabbit.

         He caught an elephant.



6.  The bear was locked in the cage. What did he draw to escape?


         He drew a saw.

         He drew a ghost.

         He drew a gun.

         He drew a key.



7.  When a hunter pointed a gun at the bear, what did he do?


         The bear scared the hunter away.

         The bear roared.

         The bear ran away.

         The bear drew a bent gun's muzzle.



8.  Why did the bear draw a bird?


         to make a friend

         to scare the hunters

         to escape from a cage

         to escape from a hole



9.  What did the bear do with the bird?


         He patted the bird.

         He fed the bird.

         He played with the bird.

         He flew away with the bird.



10.  How many legs does the bird have?






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The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Board Book, 2nd Edition) - 느리게100권읽기 4색과정 (빨강) 느리게100권읽기-1차추천도서
에릭 칼 글 그림 / Hamish Hamilton / 1994년 9월
평점 :


인터넷 동영상으로 처음 보고, 전율했었다. 내가 어른이라서 그랬나,, 아이들에게 보여 주고자 곧 구입했던 dvd. 그런데 아이들에겐 무섭다 무겁다 그런 반응이다.




1.  Where was the little egg found?




         on a leaf



         on a rock



         on a bed



         on a banana








2.  What day of the week did the egg pop out?




















3.  When Caterpillar came out of the egg, how did he feel?





















4.  When did Caterpillar eat 3 plums?





















5.  What made Caterpillar feel better?




         a green pea



         a green leaf



         a green apple



         green gum








6.  What is the name for Caterpillar's house?





















7.  What did Caterpillar turn into at the end of the story?




         a bunny



         a butterfly



         a buttercup



         a beetle




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Hi! Fly Guy (Scholastic Reader, Level 2) (Paperback) Fly Guy (Paperback) 1
테드 아널드 지음 / Cartwheel Books / 2006년 2월
평점 :

1. He was __________ for something to eat.





2. A boy went __________.





3. What did the boy catch?

the mosquito

the fly

the snake

the flog

4. What did he say when the boy caught the fly in the jar?

"An animal!"

"A fly!"

"A pet!"

"An insect!"

5. How did the fly feel?





6. What did the fly stomp?

his hand

his head

his foot

his knee

7. "You are the __________ pet in the world!"





8. Where did Buzz take Fly Guy?

The fly garden

The fly park

The fly home

The fly school

9. And Buzz came to __________.

the rescue

the pass

the help

the party

10. Then he dived down, down, down into __________.

the grass

the cup

the jar

the box

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100 Monsters in My School (Mass Market Paperback) Penguin Young Readers 3 21
Bader, Bonnie / Penguin Young Readers / 2002년 9월
평점 :


1.  How many monsters are there in my school?


         80 monsters 

         90 monsters

         100 monsters 

         200 monsters



2.  How many witches are there in my reading group?


         24 witches

         25 witches

         26 witches

         30 witches



3.  Where are 25 ghosts there?


         in my school

         in my reading group

         in my music class

         in the lunch room



4.  When is the worst day of school?


         The 90th day of school.

         The 100th day of school.

         The 150th day of school.

         The 200th day of school.



5.  "I do not want to go to school tomorrow." I told my mother __________.


         at breakfast

         at lunch

         at brunch

         at dinner



6.  Where did Wendy Witchman see me?


         in the school Class room

         in the school yard

         in the school play ground

         in the school gym



7.  Who was behind me in line?


         Sally Spooker

         Wendy Witchman

         Ms. Vampira

         Victor Frangly



8.  "Aooo!" Wally __________.








9.  Where do I put my hands?


         my mouth 

         my nose

         my neck

         my ears

10.  How many spooky stories Sally Spookier tell?







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