Snakes (Paperback)
JoAnn Early Macken / Weekly Reader/Gareth Stevens Pub / 2001년 12월
평점 :

1.  Some snakes _____________.


         climb walls

         climb trees

         like to dance

         hate climbing


2.  Some snakes ______ under the ground.


         don't like

         never go






3.  Where do underground snakes live?


         in nests

         in burrows

         in tunnels

         in caves



4.  How do swimming snakes move?


         up and down

         over and back

         in and out

         from side to side



5.  What do snakes on sand leave behind?








6.  Why do some snakes have marks on them?


         to hide

         to be different

         to be seen

         to be fashionable




7.  How do snakes smell?


         with their skin

         with their eyes

         with their noses

         with their tongues




8.  What do snakes use to find food?


         their eyes

         their skin

         their tongues

         their mouths



9.  Some snakes do not ________.


         taste well

         hear well

         hiss well

         move well



10.  How do snakes know when there is danger?


         They tell each other.

         They smell it.

         They hear it.

         They feel the ground shake.

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Sir Small and the Dragonfly (Paperback) Step Into Reading Step 2 (Book) 34
존 오브라이언, 제인 오코너 지음 / Random House Childrens Books / 1988년 11월
평점 :


1.  Where did Sir Small ride to?


         the town of Pee Wee

         the city of Mee Nee

         the village of Hee Hee

         the house of Mee Tee


2.  What did Sir Small ride on?


         his mindful cat

         his helpful aunt

         his trusty ant

         his reliable horse



3.  The tallest person was no bigger than a __________.




         shoe box




4.  What did the people do when the dragonfly came?


         They fell asleep.

         They said hello.

         They ran away.

         They waved.



5.  Who did the dragonfly take away?


         King Mini

         Sir Small

         Lady Tiny

         Lady Teena



6.  The King asked, "______________".


         Who can save her?

         Who can run fast?

         Who is tiny?

         Where is Lady Teena?



7.  The candlestick maker was too ________.








8.  Why was Sir Small lucky?


         The dragon likes dancing.

         The dragon was small.

         The dragon was asleep.

         The dragon was afraid.



9.  Where was the dragonfly trapped?


         in his cave

         in a spider's web

         in the town of Pee Wee

         at a great party



10.  Sir Small is the _________ of all.






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Titch (Paperback + CD 1장 + Mother Tip) - My Little Library My Little Library Set 1단계 27
팻 허친스 지음 / 문진미디어(외서) / 2006년 4월
평점 :


1.  Who is the author?


         Pat Hutchins

         Vera B. Williams

         Jan Brett

         Peggy Rathmann




2.  What did Pete have when Titch had a tiny seed?


         He had a big pot.

         He had a big spade.

         He had a big rake.

         He had a small pot.



3.  What did Titch have when Mary had a hammer?


         He had a screwdriver.

         He had a toolbox.

         He held the nails.

         He had a big saw.



4.  What instrument did Titch play?


         He played the piano.

         He played the guitar.

         He played the trumpet.

         He played a whistle.



5.  What did Titch do when his brother and sister rode bikes?


         He rode rollerskates.

         He rode a tricycle.

         He walked.

         He used a wagon.



6.  How was Mary?


         She was as big as Titch.

         She was smarter than he was.

         She was bigger than Titch was.

         She was as strong as Titch.



7.  How was Mary's flowerpot?


         It was fat.

         It looked full.

         It was small.

         It was broken.



8.  What happened to Titch's tiny seed?


         It turned into corn.

         It turned into a carrot.

         It kept growing.

         It didn't come out.



9.  What kind of bike did Mary have?


         She had a small bike.

         She had a purple bike.

         She had an old bike.

         She had a big bike.



10.  What did Pete have?


         He had a big drum and a big saw.

         He had a big drum and a pair of scissors.

         He had a big trumpet and a big spade.

         He had a small drum and a big saw.



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노부영 My Friends (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 115
고미 타로 지음 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2005년 12월
평점 :

1.  The girl learned to march from her friend, __________________.


         the dog

         the rooster

         the cat

         the cow



2.  Who taught the girl how to play?


         her friends at the playground

         her friends at the park

         her friends at school

         her friends in the neighborhood



3.  Who taught the girl how to hide?


         the dog

         the turtle

         the rabbit

         the cat



4.  The girl learned to climb from her friend, _______________________.


         the ant

         the spider

         the monkey

         the bird




5.  The girl learned to run from her friend, ____________.


         the cow

         the cat

         the horse

         the bird



6.  Who taught the girl how to kick?


         the kangaroo

         the donkey

         the gorilla

         the horse



7.  Where did the girl explore the earth?


         in the mud

         down by the sea

         in the park

         in a vegetable garden



8.  The girl learned to walk from her friend, ____________.


         the rooster

         the tiger

         the giraffe

         the cat



9.  Who taught the girl to watch the night sky?


         the bat

         the dog

         the owl

         the wolf



10.  The girl learned to jump from her friend, ___________.


         the frog

         the grasshopper

         the rabbit

         the dog


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노부영 Joseph Had a Little Overcoat (Hardcover + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 250
심스 태백 지음 / Viking / 2005년 6월
평점 :


1.  What did Joseph's overcoat look like?


         It looked new and fashionable.

         It looked old and worn.

         It looked old and thick.

         It looked new and cool.



2.  Where did Joseph go wearing a jacket made out of his overcoat? 


         to the theater

         to the fair

         to the pool

         to the market



3.  What did Joseph make out of his jacket? 




         a vest

         a hat




4.  What did Joseph wear at his nephew's wedding?


         his overcoat

         his jacket

         his vest

         his pajamas



5.  What did Joseph make out of his vest?




         a vest

         a scarf



6.  What did Joseph make out of his scarf?





         a necktie



7.  Where did Joseph meet his married sister?


         on the farm

         in the city

         in the park

         in the church



8.  What did Joseph make out of his tie?



         a hat


         a handkerchief



9.  What did Joseph put in hot tea?









10.  What did Joseph's button fasten?


         his boots

         his necktie

         his shirt

         his suspenders


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