Princess for a Day (Paperback) Penguin Young Readers 2 20
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann / Penguin Young Readers / 1998년 8월
평점 :

제시카라는 여자 아이의 하루 동안 공주의 궁정 파티 놀이를 다루는 이야기이다. 친구들에게 궁정 파티에 초대하는 초대장을 써서 나눠 주고, 파티 준비에 들어간다. 궁정 파티복으로 커튼을 떼서 둘렀다. 티타임도 갖고, 정오가 지나서 헤어지는데, 정오에 근사한 신사와 중요한 점심 만찬(?)이 있어서다. 그 신사분은 바로 삼촌...  

1.  When did Jessie went to the moon?




         last night



         last week



         last month



         last year





2.  When did Jessie climb a mountain?







         last night



         two days ago



         last week








3.  Where did Jessie camp?




         by the lake



         on the mountain



         in the woods



         in the garden








4.  What does Jessie have to prove she is a princess today?




         a pearl bracelet



         a cape



         a crown



         an emerald necklace 








5.  When will a Royal Ball be held?




         in the morning



         in the afternoon



         in the evening



         at night








6.  To Whom does Jessie give invitation? 




         to all her siblings



         to all her class mates



         to all her relatives



         to all her loyal subjects








7.  What does Jessie put on her shoes? 







         gold bows






         crystal stones








8.  Actually what is Jessie's ball gown made of?




         her mother's dress



         a curtain



         a table cloth











9.  What does Jessie have at the Royal Ball?




         juice and cookies



         coke and pizza



         tea and doughnuts



         milk and muffins








10.  Who takes Jessie out to lunch?




         her sister Kelly



         her mother



         her uncle Steve



         her friends





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ㅎㅎ 딱 알아보시네요. 뭐냐면, 개중 강추예요!!! 남아도 집중해 보는 이야기 ㅋㅋ