The Pace Is Glacial
심(Seam) 노래 / 리스뮤직 / 2000년 12월
평점 :

맥도날드나 코카콜라 혹은 영화 람보 같은 무지막지한 것들이 나오는 미국의 문화들은 대체로 천박한 자본주의의 속성을 갖는 것처럼 보인다. 돈으로 만사 오케이인 분위기라서 말이다. (뭐 우리 나라도 마찬가지지만...) 사실이 그럼에도 음악만큼은 미국만한 선진국은 없는 것 같다. 이런 미국의 음악 시장에서, 그것도 인디 씬에서 착실하게 자기의 행보를 천천히 밟아가며 인지도를 높여온 밴드가 있었으니, 그 밴드가 바로 한국계 미국인 박수영이 보컬로 있는 그룹 씸(seam)이다.
씸의 앨범 중에서 개인적으로 가장 좋은 것을 소개할까 한다.

앨범 리뷰를 쓰는 것은 참 애매모호한 짓인 거 같다. 사실 ‘아~~~이 음반 좋다’하면 만사 오케이일거 같다. 하지만 이런 생각이야말로 또 얼마나 애매모호한 것인지, 그리고 유효적절한 음반 리뷰라는 것이 무엇인가를 나는 심(seam)의 앨범‘The Pace Is Glacial’ 리뷰 자켓 성기완 씨가 쓴 글에서 보게 된다.

“....앨범의 제목처럼, 이들의 행보는 차분하다. 흔들리지 않고 두 눈 똑바로 뜨고 자기 갈 길을 가는 밴드가 심이다. 미국 같이 과잉의 나라에서, 이렇게 놀라운 집중력을 지닌 사운드를 심 말고 누가 또 들려 주랴. 아마도 이들이 자신들의 먼 고향, 동양의(크리스는 아이리쉬니까, 그의 마음 속 고향도 먼 곳에 있다) 미덕인 절제와 균형을 몸 속에 지니고 있기 때문이 아닐까......”

2000년 6월경 이들이 내한했을 때, 이들의 공연을 보기 위해, 종로에 있는 한 소극장을 찾았던 기억이 있다. 확실히 그들은 인디락스타의 모습이 아니었다. 이들에게 떼로 몰려드는 팬들도 없었고, 사실 팬들이라 칭하자면 칭할 수 있는 그곳을 찾아온 관객들도 그저 자기 자리에 앉아(스탠딩석 이런 거 없다) 조용히 조는 듯 듣는 듯 몽롱히 심의 몫의 연주를 들어 주고 있을 뿐이었다. 보컬인 박수영이 당시 삭발을 하고 있었는데, 종교 음악 쯤을 하는 수도승의 분위기가 배어나왔다.

물론 개중의 곡은 힘이 넘치는 드라이브감을 주기도 하지만 아무래도 심의 앨범 특유 정서를 반영하는 트랙은 단연 아홉번째인 INCHING TOWARDS JUAREZ이다. 이 트랙은 이상한 중독성을 갖게 한다. 일테면 엄청 화가 난 사람의 맘을 차분하게 만드는 마력이랄까. “세상은 그런 것이니, 너무 흥분하지 말라고. 용서하되 잊지는 말라고” 말이다.

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비로그인 2005-02-25 21:36   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL

심의 음반 리뷰는 님 밖에 없네요. ^^ 아, 혹시 이 앨범 가사 가지고 계신가요. 없으실 것 같아 올려봅니다. 다른 음반 것도 제가 가지고 있는 게 있는데, 없으시면 말씀하시구요. 참, 이건 다음의 심 카페에서 퍼온 건데요, 제가 따라 불러보니, 틀린 부분이 좀 있는 것 같더라구요. 저는 그 부분들을 체크해서 고쳤습니다만, 지금 그거 출력물을 찾으려니 어디 있는지도 모르겠고 해서 그냥 퍼왔습니다. 헤헤.

[pace is glacial]

Little Chang, Big City

What am I doing, walking up Wentworth
Again and again
I confess to hiding, I admit to a careful
Coming undone
Where am I going, foaming at the mouth
Is this the only way?
The only way
Port for effect, I’m slurring all my words
As I stumble home
And bolt the door
Whistle at the camera, spit on the freeway
Relieve the stress  Relive the mess
Steaming up the windows, stuffing their faces
The right way
Drag out the albums, this is how we lived
Why don’t you take a look
Making out in corners, drinking in doorways
Make a wish  Blow a kiss
[note: Wentworth is a street in Chicago’s Chinatown.]

Get Higher

She was there, to ask me
Are you an empty house with a closed door
I was touched, by the question
But frightened inside, underwater inside
Would you fish, for the feeling
It’s the only way I will ever know
If I’m hook or tackle
Charming you in, fingers thrumming your ribs
I’ve got an answer for you, said it so many times
If I could walk like you, any place, any time
If all the answers are new, I am sure I can find
Out all the dirt that gets in, all the hatred inside
Are you for real, or just joking
Did you cough up that shit without knowing it?
I can pull on it, to get higher
Did you want me to take it just a little bit lighter
There are things I won’t do
Or places I go
There are things that you said
I will never forget


Intifada Driving School

I saw you off far away, in my sights, in my sights
Could have shot you right through the head
But I’ll drive and I’ll drive and I’ll drive
In the middle of these times
They say are better than ever
I just feel nothing tonight
I am the sting of the past
I am the sound of uprising
Follow the path of these busted out streetlights
Ignore the sound of the sirens
We hate you too, because our streets are broken and busted
In a world pitching right
For what seems like forever
Does your privilege seem harder to fight.


Where does the sky meet the dirt?
Where does the color bleed into it?
Focusing all eyes north, Put some energy into it.
I am a crazy piece of work
I am an iron flange rusting
Up by the river running black
I heard the Kanawha was burning
Cover all of the shame
Forget those dreams that follow you
Brace yourself for more of the same
Chase away the rage that follows you

[note: the Kanawha river runs through West Virginia, and is famous for being so
polluted that it caught on fire in the 1960’s]


Nisei Fight Song

What keeps you true?
Shadowed and sweet
That we’ll come back to you
All foreign, all incomplete
Is it the sound, or the smell,
the distraction inside
Or the taste that you get that’s left over
I cannot remember
My history rewritten
I haven’t said anything
That’s the glaring omission
All this betrayed
Flat out and brayed
Check out the stars rolling by
The movies, the enemies
There’s a warm blue glow
And I’m starting to believe
All the songs on the radio
The faces on the TV


The Prizefighters

If there is one thing I won’t forgive
It’s making me feel, the weakest and limp
I should’ve hit you like I meant it
But I can’t hear over those words,
I’d knock you for that
Your eye’s going black
This kind of hate makes me sick
But I’m on to it, I’m on to it
My muscles are wasted, a useless red paste of it
Bluing the white of you, slapping your face with it.
My hook’s softening, as I listen
To the hollow sound that’s drumming your ribs
I lose the grip on your neck
When it’s over and you’re gone
I’m sitting and crying
What was that meaning, that breaking of skin
Have I proven it, have I proven it?


In The Sun

We’re building a giant wall
From Laredo to San Ysidro
Patrol the land and water
The traffic in the city
Stay and do the work
That we don’t want to do
But don’t try and matter
Work quiet, make it do
There’s a mad kind of reason
A history repeating
A sweat worth nothing
A union that’s receding
[note: Laredo and San Ysidro are both towns on the U.S./Mexican border]


Inching Towards Juarez

Please save me, from myself
Pull my hands from the wheel
There’s a tremble and a rumbling
Inhale, feel it sting
Rewind the tape, get back to your sleeping
Rub out your eyes, this ship is sinking
There’s a dustbowl, out in front of us
Blue lights in the mirror
Filled the tank up, in El Paso
Rethought my career
[note: El Paso is a city in Texas, bordering Ciudad Juarez, Mexico]


Pale Marble Movie

I hear the sound of you right next to me
And the shift of sheets stuck to me
In this heat that keeps me up
I’m the only one awake, the only one who takes in
The sound of glass breaking
And the shuffle on the street
Of all those kids running scared, and it wouldn’t be fair for me
To wake you just to see, instead I listen close to hear you breathe.
Break off these trusses that hold us up
I could be better, better  I could be there for you, better for you
But it was so much harder
Made all these promises I couldn’t keep
I think up these lines that I just can’t believe
All just lines  All disguise
In your sleep you kick off the covers
And let me know about the others
All of what eats you up at night
Kept in a dark, dry place
In your sleep I feel you shaking
In your dreams I know you’re aching
In the quiet I hear the breaking

icaru 2005-03-25 12:03   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
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