第46回 長編部門  リヴィエラを撃て   高村薫   / 評論その他の部門  欧米推理小説翻訳史  文政十一年のスパイ合戦   長谷部史親   秦新二   
第45回 長編部門  時計館の殺人  龍は眠る   綾辻行人   宮部みゆき  / 評論その他の部門  北米探偵小説論 
第44回 長編部門  新宿鮫   大沢在昌   / 短編および連作短編集部門  夜の蝉   北村薫   / 評論その他の部門  百怪、我が腸ニ入ル 竹中英太郎作品譜  横浜・山手の出来事   竹中労  徳岡孝夫   
第43回 長編部門  エトロフ発緊急電   佐々木譲   / 評論その他の部門  夢野久作   鶴見俊輔    
第42回 長編部門  伝説なき地  雨月荘殺人事件   船戸与一   和久峻三  / 短編および連作短編集部門  妻の女友達   小池真理子   / 評論その他の部門  87分署グラフィティ―エド・マクベインの世界   直井明    
第41回 長編部門  絆   小杉健治    
第40回 長編部門  カディスの赤い星  北斎殺人事件   逢坂剛   高橋克彦  / 評論その他の部門  明治の探偵小説 

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第52回 長編部門  秘密  幻の女   東野圭吾   香納諒一  / 短編および連作短編集部門  花の下にて春死なむ 
 北森鴻   / 評論その他の部門  世界ミステリ作家事典〔本格派篇〕   森英俊    
第51回 長編部門  鎮魂歌(レクイエム) 不夜城II  OUT   馳星周   桐野夏生  / 評論その他の部門  本格ミステリの現在  ホラー小説大全   笠井潔   風間賢二   
第50回 長編部門  奪取   真保裕一   / 評論その他の部門  沈黙のファイル 「瀬島龍三」とは何だったのか 
第49回 長編部門  ソリトンの悪魔  魍魎の匣   梅原克文  京極夏彦  / 短編および連作短編集部門  カウント・プラン   黒川博行    
第48回 長編部門  沈黙の教室  鋼鉄の騎士   折原一   藤田宜永  / 短編および連作短編集部門  ガラスの麒麟 
日本殺人事件   加納朋子   山口雅也  / 評論その他の部門  チャンドラー人物事典   各務三郎    
第47回 長編部門  ガダラの豚   中島らも  / 短編および連作短編集部門  ル・ジタン  めんどうみてあげるね   斎藤純   鈴木輝一郎  / 評論その他の部門  冒険小説論 近代ヒーロー像100年の変遷   北上次郎 

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第57回 長編及び連作短編集部門  葉桜の季節に君を想うということ  ワイルド・ソウル   歌野晶午  垣根涼介  / 短編部門  死神の精度   伊坂幸太郎  / 評論その他の部門  水面の星座 水底の宝石  夢野久作読本   千街晶之   多田茂治   
第56回 長編及び連作短編集部門  石の中の蜘蛛  マレー鉄道の謎   浅暮三文   有栖川有栖  / 短編部門  該当作なし  / 評論その他の部門  幻影の蔵   新保博久/山前譲   
第55回 長編及び連作短編集部門  ミステリ・オペラ  アラビアの夜の種族   山田正紀   古川日出男  / 短編部門  都市伝説パズル  十八の夏   法月綸太郎   光原百合  / 評論その他の部門  該当作なし   
第54回 長編及び連作短編集部門  残光  永遠の森   東直己   菅浩江  / 短編部門  該当作なし  / 評論その他の部門  20世紀冒険小説読本(「日本篇」「海外篇」)  推理作家の出来るまで   井家上隆幸   都筑道夫   
第53回 長編及び連作短編集部門  永遠の仔  亡国のイージス   天童荒太   福井晴敏  / 短編部門  動機   横山秀夫   / 評論その他の部門  ゴッホの遺言   小林英樹 

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북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo

일본 추리소설 부분, 20 세기 베스트 리스트

1. 텐도 신, 대유괴 (1978)

2. 미야베 미유키, 화차 (1992) - <인생을 훔친 여자>

3. 다카무라 카오루,  마크스의 산 (1993) .

4. 시마다 소지, 점성술 살인사건 (1981)

5. 다카무라 카오루, 레이디 죠커 (1997)- 3위작인 <마크스의 산>과 그 다음 작품 <석양에 빛나는 감> 마지막으로 <레이디 죠커>가 고다 주임이 등장하는 형사물 3부작이다. 한국에선 <마크스의 산>과 <석양에 빛나는 감>만 출간...

6. 쿄코쿠 나츠히코,  망량의 상자 (1995)

7. 미야베 미유키, 이유 (1998) - 한국에선 출간되지 않고 있음.

8. 오오카 쇼우헤이, 사건 (1977) 

8. 다카하시 가츠히코,  샤라쿠 살인사건 (1983) 

10. 텐도 아라타,   영원의 아이 (1999) 

11. 오오사카 코우, 백설이 외치는 밤 (1986)  

11. 렌조 미키히코, 회귀천 정사 (1980) 

13. 오사와 아리마사, 독원숭이 신주쿠 2 (1991)

14. 이자와 모토히코, 시루마루 환시행 (1980

14. 오사와 아리마사, 소돔의 성자/ 신주쿠 1 (1990)

14. 하세 세이슈, 불야성 (1996) 

14. 하라 료, 내가 죽인 소녀 (1989) - 국내에 출간됐음. 유괴사건을 다룬 사립탐정이 등장하는 하드 보일드 추리물.

18. 기리노 나츠오,   아웃 (1997)

19. 아리스가와 아리스, 쌍두의 악마 (1992)  

19. 후지와라 이오리, 테러리스트의 파라솔 (1995) 

20. 사사키 죠오, 에트로프발 긴급전 (1989) 


* 데카님 홈피에서 퍼옴

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북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo
별족 2005-01-10 13:25   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
이 중 제가 읽은 책은, 영원의 아이!!!!뿐입니다요.-_-;;;

panda78 2005-01-10 15:27   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
테러리스트의 파라솔 정말 좋아해요. ^^ 결말은 좀 그랬지만, 캐릭터가 마음에 들어서요. 화차도 진짜 재밌었는데, '이유' 도 나오면 좋겠군요.

신주쿠 상어 시리즈, 저는 정말 재미없게 봤는데 두 권이나 들어 있군요.. 호오..

석양에 빛나는 감이나 사 볼까...

물만두 2005-01-10 17:29   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
전 영원의 아이, 불야성빼고 나온 책은 다 읽었어요^^

판다님 어디갔다 이제 오셨나요? 저도 테러리스트의 파라솔 좋았습니다. 신주쿠 상어 시리즈도 재미있어요. 석양에 빛나는 감 재미있습니다. 읽어보세요^^

oldhand 2005-01-10 17:40   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
70년대 이후 작품들의 리스트 인가 보네요. <망량의 상자>, 초 기대하고 있습니다. 으흐흐.

물만두 2005-01-10 17:48   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
그런가 봅니다... 저도 그 작품 무지 기대하고 있고 이 리스트보고 미출판 작품들 출판해주기를 은근히 바라고 있습니다^^

mira95 2005-01-11 13:42   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아무것도 읽은 게 없어요 ㅠ.ㅠ

물만두 2005-01-11 16:05   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
우선 아웃 강추... 다 읽어보심 더 좋구요^^

하루살이 2005-02-16 12:52   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
최근 것도 알려주세요. 퍼갑니다

nemuko 2005-06-20 17:29   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
요새 일본추리소설에 빠져 있어서요^^ 이것 좀 퍼갈께요

물만두 2005-06-20 17:32   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
최근 건... 하루살이님...
네무코님 네...
 전출처 : 하이드 > The Top 100 Hard-Boiled Characters

of the Twentieth Century,
As Chosen by the Members of Rara-Avis,
and compliled by Joe Dante and Mark Blumenthal

In March and April of 2002, the members of Rara-Avis, the web's premier disscussion group for all things hard-boiled, decided to poll its members on the The Top 100 Hard-Boiled Characters of the Twentieth Century.

Readers were invited to submit their top twenty votes via e-mail. In announcing the winners, co-compiler Mark Blumenthal had this to say:

"Here is our selection of the 100 (actually 111, to allow for ties) best hard-boiled characters (in literature). Although there are several many of us would not consider hard-boiled, most of our ballots had a large majority of characters who made it into the top 111... Of those authors who had more than three characters in the best 111, Dashiell Hammett had six characters and Walter Mosley, George Pelecanos, Jim Thompson, Charles Willeford, and James Ellroy had four apiece. Of those characters that debuted in the 90's Easy Rawlins and Harry Bosch received the most votes."

Seems like Mark wasn't too happy with some of the results, but personally, I was very pleased to see the high regard in which some relatively obscure characters were held, for one, and the wide variety of characters who made it, in general. If hard-boiled is more about attitude than surface trappings, then I have no problem with the final list, really. Though I'm still very conscious of how availability affects the vote. Some of my beloved pulp characters and relatively forgotten P.I.s who just made it to the list could easily rank much higher, I think, if only more people had read them. And, of course, it's a little disappointing that supporting players from popular novels (bolstered in some cases by popular films) cracked the list, while protagonists from some now difficult-to-find novels and series didn't crack it at all. Like, Jo Gar didn't make it? Bummer...

Still, a pretty good list.

The Top 100
(Actually, 111, allowing for ties... )

1. Philip Marlowe (from the series by Raymond Chandler)
2. Sam Spade (from the novel, The Maltese Falcon, by Dashiell Hammett)
3. The Continental Op (from the series by Dashiell Hammett)
4. Lew Archer (from the series by Ross Macdonald)
5. Matt Scudder (from the series by Lawrence Block)
5. Parker (from the series by Richard Stark)
7. Travis McGee (from the series by John D. MacDonald)
8. Easy Rawlins (from the series by Walter Mosley)
9. Harry aka Hieronymus Bosch (from the series by Michael Connelly)
10. Hoke Moseley (from the series by Charles Willeford)
11. Lou Ford (from the novels The Killer Inside Me and Wild Town by Jim Thompson)
12. Mike Hammer (from the series by Mickey Spillane)
13. Matt Helm (from the series by Donald Hamilton)
14. Dave Robicheaux (from the series by James Lee Burke)
14. Nick Stefanos (from the series by George Pelecanos)
14. Grave Digger Jones and Coffin Ed Johnson (from the series by Chester Himes)
14. C.W. Sughrue (from the series by James Crumley)
14. Hap Collins & Leonard Pine (from the series by Joe R. Lansdale)
14. Nameless (from the series by Bill Pronzini)
14. John Rebus (from the series by Ian Rankin)
14. Mouse (from the Easy Rawlins series by Walter Mosley)
22. Spenser (from the series by Robert B. Parker)
23. Eddie Coyle (from the novel, The Friends of Eddie Coyle, by George V. Higgins)
24. Brigid O'Shaughnessy (from the novel, The Maltese Falcon, by Dashiell Hammett)
25. V.I. Warshawski (from the series by Sara Paretsky)
26. Dudley Smith (from the novels by James Ellroy)
26. Paul Pine (from the series by Howard Browne)
26. Dimitri Karras (from the series by George Pelecanos)
26. Arkady Renko (from the series by Martin Cruz Smith)
30. Hanson (from the novels by Kent Anderson)
30. Burke (from the series by Andrew Vachss)
30. Ned Beaumont (from the novel, The Glass Key, by Dashiell Hammett)
30. Artie Wu & Quincy Durant (from the series by Ross Thomas)
30. Tom Ripley (from the series by Patricia Highsmith)
30. Hawk (from the Spenser series by Robert B. Parker)
36. Amos Walker (from the series by Loren D. Estleman)
36. Kinsey Millhone (from the series by Sue Grafton)
36. Steve Carella (from the 87th Precinct series by Ed McBain)
36. George Smiley (from the series by John Le Carre)
36. James Bond (from the series by Ian Fleming)
41. Jack Reacher (from the series by Lee Child)
41. Earl Drake (from The Operation series by Dan J. Marlowe)
41. Bill Crane (from the series by Jonathan Latimer)
41. Keller (from the Hit Man series by Lawrence Block)
41. Frank Chambers (from the novel, The Postman Always Rings Twice, by James M. Cain)
41. Frederick J. Frenger Jr. (from the novel, Miami Blues, by Charles Willeford)
41. Dan Kearney (from the DKA series by Joe Gores)
41. Hannibal Lecter (from the series by Thomas Harris)
41. Batman (from the comics/novels series by various authors)
41. Chili Palmer (from the novels Get Shorty and Be Cool by Elmore Leonard)
51. Martin Beck (from the series by Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo)
51. Lucas Davenport (from the series by John Sandford)
51. Doc McCoy (from the novel, The Getaway, by Jim Thompson)
51. Peter Bondurant (from the trilogy by James Ellroy)
51. Harry Lime (from the novel, The Third Man, by Graham Greene)
51. Buzz Meeks (from the novel, The Big Nowhere, by James Ellroy)
51. Dan Turner (from the series by Robert Leslie Bellem)
51. Milo Milodragovitch (from the series by James Crumley)
51. Lew Griffin (from the series by James Sallis)
51. Mario Balzic (from the series by K.C. Constantine)
61. Charlie Resnick (from the series by John Harvey)
61. Jack Carter (from the series by Ted Lewis)
61. Clete Purcell (from the Dave Robicheaux series by James Lee Burke)
61. Max Latin (from the short stories by Norbert Davis)
61. Lloyd Hopkins (from the series by James Ellroy)
61. Joe Friday (from the Dragnet series by various authors)
61. Shell Scott (from the series by Richard S. Prather)
61. Nate Heller (from the series by Max Allan Collins)
61. Nick Corey (from the novel, Pop. 1280, by Jim Thompson)
61. Nick and Nora Charles (from the novel, The Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett)
71. Marcus Clay (from the series by George Pelecanos)
71. Socrates Fortlow (from the series by Walter Mosley)
71. Richard Bone (from the novel, Cutter and Bone, by Newton Thornburg)
71. Detective Sergeant Department of Unexplained Deaths (from the Factory series by Derek Raymond)
71. Elvis Cole (from the series by Robert Crais)
71. Walter Huff (from the novel, Double Indemnity, by James M Cain)
71. James Figueras (from the novel, The Burnt Orange Heresy, by Charles Willeford)
71. Casper Gutman (from the novel, The Maltese Falcon, by Dashiell Hammett)
71. Mike Shayne (from the series by Brett Halliday)
71. Frank Clemons (from the trilogy by Thomas Cook)
71. Sharon McCone (from the series by Marcia Muller)
71. Race Williams/Three Gun Mack (from the series by Carroll John Daly)
71. John Shaft (from the series by Ernest Tidyman)
71. David Brandstetter (from the series by Joseph Hansen)
71. Jack Liffey (from the series by John Shannon)
71. Perry Mason (from the series by Erle Stanley Gardner)
87. Bernie Gunther (from the Berlin Trilogy by Philip Kerr)
87. Joe Gall (from the series by Philip Atlee)
87. Jonathan Hemlock (from the from the novels The Eiger Sanction and The Loo Sanction by Trevanian)
87. Kells (from the novel, Fast One, by Paul Cain)
87. Joe Pike (from the Elvis Cole series by Robert Crais)
87. Fast Eddie Felson (from the novels The Hustler and The Color of Money, by Walter Tevis)
87. Bob Lee Swagger (from the series by Steven Hunter)
87. Cora Papadakis (from the novel, The Postman Always Rings Twice, by James M. Cain)
87. Roy Dillon (from the novel, The Grifters, by Jim Thompson)
87. Eva Wylie (from the from the series by Liza Cody)
87. Ed and Am Hunter (from the series by Fredric Brown)
87. Skink a.k.a. The Governor (from the a recurring character in the novels by Carl Hiassen)
87. Derek Strange (from the series by George Pelecanos)
87. Lionel Essrog (from the novel, Motherless Brooklyn, by Jonathan Lethem)
87. Charlie Arglist (from the novel, The Ice Harvest, by Scott Phillips)
87. Richard Hudson (from the novel, The Woman Chaser, by Charles Willeford)
87. Ernest Stickney (from the novels Stick and Swag by Elmore Leonard)
87. John Marshall Tanner (from the series by Stephen Greenleaf)
87. Doc Ford (from the series by Randy Wayne White)
87. Jay Gatsby (from the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald)
87. Dick Tracy (from the newspaper strip by Chester Gould)
87. Mick Ballou (from the Matt Scudder series by Lawrence Block)
87. Quiller (from the series by Adam Hall)
87. Deputy Detective Carl Houseman (from the series by Donald Harstad)
87. Maigret (from the series by Georges Simenon)
The 21 runner-ups
(Joe Gar almost made it):

Doan and Carstairs (from the novels and short stories by Norbert Davis)
Alexander Cutter (from the novel, Cutter and Bone, by Newton Thornburg)
Patrick Kenzie (from the series by Dennis Lehane)
Harry Stoner (from the series by Jonathan Valin)
Satan Hall (from the series by Carroll John Daly)
Jane Whitefield (from the series by Thomas Perry)
Will Graham (from the novel, Red Dragon, by Thomas Harris)
Abraham Trahearne (from the novel, The Last Good Kiss, by James Crumley)
Dave "The Enforcer" Klein (from the novel, White Jazz, by James Ellroy)
Repairman Jack (from the series by F. Paul Wilson)
Fang Mulheisen (from the series by Jon A. Jackson)
Thorn (from the series by James W. Hall)
Neal Fargo (from the novel, Interface, plus short stories by Joe Gores)
Dan Fortune (from the series by Michael Collins)
Max Cady (from the novel, The Executioners, by John D. MacDonald)
John Francis Cuddy (from the series by Jeremiah Healy)
Mike Dolan (from the novel, No Pockets In a Shroud, by Horace McCoy)
Jo Gar (from the short stories by Raoul Whitfield)
Maximum Bob Gibbs (from the novel, Maximum Bob, by Elmore Leonard)
Bernie Ohls (from the novel, The Big Sleep, by Raymond Chandler)
Carmen Sternwood (from the novel, The Big Sleep, by Raymond Chandler)

'화추클'의 전모님이 올리신 글을 퍼옴.

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