Frog and Toad All Year (Paperback) I Can Read Book Level 2 (Book) 17
아놀드 로벨 지음 / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 1984년 9월
평점 :


1.  Who knocked at Toad's door and why? 



         Frog, to see how wonderful the winter is



         Frog, to see how beautiful flowers are



         Hawk, to tell him the spring has come



         Frog, to go for a walk




 2.  How are Frog and Toad going to go down the big hill? 



         by riding a bicycle



         by driving a car



         by riding on Frog's sled



         by running



 3.  What did Toad rush past on the sled? 






         trees and rocks











 4.  What did Frog do while they were waiting for clothes to dry? 



         told a story to Toad



         washed Toad's clothes



         cleaned the bathroom



         cooked a soup




 5.  When Frog went out to see if spring was around the corner, he didn't see spring but saw others. What didn't he see? 



         a pine tree



         three pebbles



         dry grass







  6.  What did Frog see when he walked along the river and came to another corner? 



         wet mud and a lizard



         apples and oranges



         rabbits and rats



         many frogs




  7.  One hot summer day, what did Toad buy for him and Frog? 



         two big fresh oranges



         two big ice-cream cones



         two big candies



         two big cakes






 8.  Where was Frog sitting and waiting for Toad? 



         by the river



         at home



         at school



         by the pond




 9.  Toad fell into the pond. He sank to the bottom and came up again. "Drat," said Toad. "All of our sweet, cold ice cream has _____." 



         run away



         gone away



         washed away



         flown away




  10.  Why did Frog go to Toad's house in October? 



         to rake all of the leaves that have fallen on his lawn.



         to wake him up and have a breakfast together.



         to go for a walk with him.



         to make cookies together and eat with a cup of tea.




  11.  Toad raked all the leaves at Frog's house. What will Toad do tomorrow? 



         clean Toad's house



         rake all of his own leaves



         clean Frog's house



         eat ice-cream





 12.  On Christmas Eve, what did Toad do? 



         He rode down the hill with the sled.



         He raked all the leaves in his house.



         He cooked a big dinner and decorated the tree.



         He cooked a big dinner and invited his family.





 13.  Where did Toad find some rope? 



         in the cellar



         in the closet



         in a box



         in the kitchen





 14.  What did Toad find in the attic? 



         some rope



         a lantern



         a candle



         a sled




 15.  What did Frog give Toad as a Christmas present? 



         a frying pan



         a lantern



         a candle



         a clock




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