The Rainbow Fish (Paperback + CD 1장 + Mother Tip) - My Little Library My Little Library Set 3단계 26
문진미디어(외서) / 2010년 9월
평점 :

읽을 때마다 알게 모르게 교훈을 설득받게 되어, 생각이 많아지는 책이 있다. 이 책도.

혼자만 예쁜 줄 알고, 뽐내는 무지개 물고기도 그렇지만, 몸에 반짝이 비늘이 많은 무지개물고기의 그 비늘을 굳이 갖고 싶어하는, 다른 보통 물고기 친구들의 그 마음에 의문도 살짝 든다.(예쁜 것을 보면, 갖고 싶은 마음. 하기는 적고 보니 당연한 마음이기도 하네. 저런..)  

반짝이 비늘을 친구들에게 하나씩 나눠 주어서 무지개 물고기 특유의 아름다움은 잃게 되었지만 모두가 행복해졌다는 이야기. 예쁜 것을 뽐내다가 친구를 잃고 나서야 자신의 잘못을 깨닫는다니, 사람도 다 똑같다. 빼어나게 아름다운 대신에 주위에 친구가 하나도 없다면, 또 그게 무슨 의미가 있을까?   

아이는 이 책을 읽어주면, 반응은 항상 이렇다.  

이거 좋은 이야기죠?


 1.  What colors were the fish scales? 












         every shade of blue, green and purple, with sparkling silver scales




 2.  What name did the fish scales earn him? 



         Amazing Fish



         Beautiful Fish



         Rainbow Fish



         Wonderful Fish



  3.  How did the other fish not feel about the Rainbow Fish? 



         They admired the Rainbow Fish.



         They wanted to play with the Rainbow Fish.



         They hated the Rainbow Fish out of envy.



         They were amazed at his beauty.




 4.  What did the little blue fish ask of the Rainbow Fish? 



         to play with him



         to give him one of the scales



         to swim together



         to find Nemo




 5.  How did the Rainbow Fish respond? 



         He cried hysterically.



         He said he was sorry.



         He obliged.



         He told the little blue fish to get away.




 6.  How did the other fish respond to the Rainbow Fish's reaction when they heard the story? 



         They wanted everything to do with the Rainbow Fish.



         They were careful about the scales.



         They turned away when he swam by.



         They threw seaweed at him.





 7.  How did the Rainbow Fish feel when no fish was admiring his scales? 



         He was lonely.



         He could finally enjoy his swims.



         He felt dazzling.



         He wanted to be friends with other beautiful fish.




 8.  Who did the Rainbow Fish talk to about his troubles? 



         the little blue fish



         the starfish



         the wise stone



         the coral reef




 9.  Where was the wise octopus? 



         in the sand



         in a dark river



         in the corals



         in a cave





 10.  Who did the octopus hear the story from? 



         from the little blue fish



         from the other fish



         from the starfish



         from the waves





 11.  What did the octopus propose? 



         to play with the other fish



         to move to another sea



         to give away the scales



         to come back again




 12.  Why was the little blue fish back? 



         He wanted a scale.



         He wanted to apologize.



         He wanted an apology.



         He wanted to talk to the octopus, too.




 13.  How did the Rainbow Fish respond this time? 



         He apologized and said no.



         He gave one to the little blue fish.



         He thanked him for coming back.



         He immediately became friends with the blue fish.





 14.  When other fish surrounded the Rainbow Fish to receive a scale, how did the Rainbow Fish feel? 



         He felt ashamed.



         He was worried he would lose his scales.



         He was delighted.



         He wanted the glittering scales to himself.





 15.  How many scales did the Rainbow Fish have left for himself? 



         no scale






         a few



         still many




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