노부영 Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar? (Boardbook + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 196
Jane Manning 그림 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2006년 3월
평점 :

1.  According to Dog, what was he doing? 


         taking a shower

         reading the news paper

         painting the picture

         plowing into the garden

2.  Who did Dog suppose stole the cookies?






3.  According to Kitty, what was she doing?


         taking a nap

         making pancakes

         painting the house

         plowing into the garden



4.  Who did Kitty suppose stole the cookies?








5.  According to Mouse, what was he doing?


         taking a walk

         making dinner with Dog

         painting a picture

         reading the news paper



6.  Who did Mouse suppose stole the cookies?








7.  According to Bunny, what was he doing? 


         taking a walk

         making pancakes

         painting the wall

         plowing the garden



8.  Who did Bunny suppose stole the cookies? 








9.  According to Piggy, what was he doing?


         taking a shower

         making pancakes

         reading the newspaper

         watering the garden



10.  What did the cookie jar look like?


         It looked oval.

         It looked square.

         It looked rectangular.

         It looked heart-shaped.



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