Fly High, Fly Guy! (Fly Guy #5): Volume 5 (Hardcover) Fly Guy (Hardcover) 5
테드 아널드 지음 / Scholastic / 2008년 5월
평점 :

남자 아이들에게 강추한다. 기행을 부리는 애완 파리에 재미있어 한다.



1.  What did a boy have?




         a pet hamster



         a pet snake



         a pet fly



         a pet horse









2.  One day Buzz said, "It`s time to (       )."




         go to sleep



         take a road trip



         take a nap



         take a mountain trip








3.  Who did want to go too?













         fly Guy








4.  He Shut (     )




         the box



         the trunk



         the wardrobe



         the basket








5.  They stoped for (      )




         a hiking



         a trip



         a picnic



         a camp








6.  Who did open the trunk?













         fly Guy









7.  They drove to (       )




         the wood



         the forest



         the beach



         the river









8.  Where did they drive after they went to the beach?




         the statues museum



         the art museum



         the beach



         the mountain









9.  Fly Guy flew high into (     ).




         the space



         the sky



         the part



         the sea







10.  "You saved (    )! Yay, Fly guy!"













         the day


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