Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp (Paperback) I Can Read Book Level 1 (Book) 2
Hoff, Syd 지음 / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 1998년 6월
평점 :

1.  Where did Danny go to for the summer?



         to school

         to Korea

         to camp



2.  Who did Danny take with him?


         his Mother

         the Dinosaur

         his dog

         his Grandfather



3.  How many Dinosaurs have been to camp before?








4.  How did the Dinosaur win his race?


         He ran very fast.

         He jumped very far.

         He swam very fast.

         He took a step.



5.  "Please ________ the ketchup,"said Danny.








6.  What did the Dinosaur ask for in his letter?


         He asked for ketchup.

         He asked for a pillow.

         He asked for pizza.

         He asked for some rice.



7.  After writing letters they all went _____________.






8.  What did Danny do when he got tired?


         He climbed on the Dinosaur.

         He fell asleep.

         He cried.

         He went home.



9.  Lana ______ out toasted marshmallows.






10.  The Dinosaur ____________ on the ground.


         fell asleep


         ran around


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