Titch (Paperback + CD 1장 + Mother Tip) - My Little Library My Little Library Set 1단계 27
팻 허친스 지음 / 문진미디어(외서) / 2006년 4월
평점 :


1.  Who is the author?


         Pat Hutchins

         Vera B. Williams

         Jan Brett

         Peggy Rathmann




2.  What did Pete have when Titch had a tiny seed?


         He had a big pot.

         He had a big spade.

         He had a big rake.

         He had a small pot.



3.  What did Titch have when Mary had a hammer?


         He had a screwdriver.

         He had a toolbox.

         He held the nails.

         He had a big saw.



4.  What instrument did Titch play?


         He played the piano.

         He played the guitar.

         He played the trumpet.

         He played a whistle.



5.  What did Titch do when his brother and sister rode bikes?


         He rode rollerskates.

         He rode a tricycle.

         He walked.

         He used a wagon.



6.  How was Mary?


         She was as big as Titch.

         She was smarter than he was.

         She was bigger than Titch was.

         She was as strong as Titch.



7.  How was Mary's flowerpot?


         It was fat.

         It looked full.

         It was small.

         It was broken.



8.  What happened to Titch's tiny seed?


         It turned into corn.

         It turned into a carrot.

         It kept growing.

         It didn't come out.



9.  What kind of bike did Mary have?


         She had a small bike.

         She had a purple bike.

         She had an old bike.

         She had a big bike.



10.  What did Pete have?


         He had a big drum and a big saw.

         He had a big drum and a pair of scissors.

         He had a big trumpet and a big spade.

         He had a small drum and a big saw.



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