노부영 To Market, To Market (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 30
앤 미란다 지음 / Voyager Books / 2001년 9월
평점 :

1.  Which animal left the pen? 


         the pig

         the hen

         the goose

         the trout



2.  What color was the hen?









3.  Which animal was on the loose? 


         the lamb

         the hen

         the goose

         the duck



4.  What color was the goose?









5.  Which animal was fish?


         the lamb

         the hen

         the goat

         the trout




6.  Which animal swam away?


         the duck

         the hen

         the goose

         the trout




7.  Which animal was for milk?


         the lamb

         the pig

         the cow

         the trout



8.  Which animal was white?


         the duck

         the hen

         the pig

         the trout



9.  Which animal ate the coat?


         the lamb

         the goat

         the cow

         the trout



10.  Which animal chewed the shoe? 


         the goose

         the goat

         the duck

         the trout


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