Dancing Dinos (Paperback) Step Into Reading Step 1 (Book) 16
Sally Lucas 지음, Margeaux Lucas 그림 / Random House Childrens Books / 1998년 7월
평점 :


1.  Where are Dinos dancing?


         on a stage

         on the street

         in the woods

         in the river



2.  Where aren't Dinos dancing? 


         on a stage

         off the page

         on the floor

         in the bathtub




3.  What are Dinos doing down the hall? 








4.  Where are Dinos playing with a ball? 


         down the hall

         in the bathtub

         down the stairs

         in the kitchen



5.  What are Dinos doing through a room?








6.  What are Dinos munching?


         a ball

         ham on rye

         pizza pie

         corn and peas



7.  What are Dinos crunching? 


         a ball

         ham on rye

         pizza pie

         corn and peas



8.  What aren't Dinos flinging? 





         gobs of cheese



9.  What are Dinos mopping the kitchen floor with? 


         with their hands

         with their tails

         with their heads

         with their feet



10.  What are Dinos hoping over? 


         over pails

         over the couch

         over the bathtub

         over tables


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