노부영 Do You Want to Be My Friend? (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 105
에릭 칼 글 그림 / Harper Collins / 2005년 10월
평점 :

1.  Which animal wants to have a friend? 


         a mouse

         a horse

         a crocodile

         a lion



2.  Which animal has a big and thick green tail?


         a horse

         a crocodile

         a kangaroo

         a giraffe



3.  Which animal has a short blue tail?


         a hippopotamus

         a crocodile

         a lion

         a mouse



4.  Which animal has flippers?


         a dog

         a cat

         a giraffe

         a seal



5.  Which animal has a long brown tail?


         a monkey

         a crocodile

         a seal

         a hippopotamus



6.  Which animal has a very large and colorful tail?


         a peacock

         a snake

         a giraffe

         a mouse



7.  Which animal has a furry red tail?


         a seal

         a fox

         a crocodile

         a hippopotamus



8.  Which animal has a pouch?


         a kangaroo

         a horse

         a crocodile

         a peacock



9.  Which animal has a long neck?


         a hippopotamus

         a giraffe

         a crocodile

         a seal



10.  Which animal has no legs?


         a snake

         a kangaroo

         a peacock

         a fox

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