노부영 Freight Train (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 104
도널드 크루즈 글 그림 / Harper Collins / 2005년 10월
평점 :

1.  What did the train cross?









2.  Who is the author?


         Donald Crews

         Pat Hutchins

         Molly Bang

         Ruth Kraus



3.  What color was the hopper car?








4.  How was the tender?








5.  Where did the train go by?








6.  What was at the back?


         the red caboose

         the brown steam engine

         the striped dining car

         the yellow box car




7.  What color was the steam engine?








8.  What did the train do in darkness?


         it backed up.

         it stopped.

         it moved.

         it was very slow.



9.  What color was the cattle car?








10.  What happened at the end of the story?


         The train was gone.

         The train was broken.

         The train was crashed.

         The train stopped.

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