PYR Level 2: Who Stole the Cookies? (Paperback + CD) Puffin Young Reader Level 2 10
주디스 모팻 지음, 주디스 모팻 그림 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2011년 12월
평점 :

과자를 먹은 범인(?)을 찾기 위해 꼬리에 꼬리를 무는 물음..내용은 충분히 쉬운데, **이가 훔쳤을 거라 말한 것은 누구인지, **이가 말한 범인은 누구인지, 누가 누구를,,, 의 의미 파악에 집중하게 된다.



1.  Where were the cookies? 




         in the jar



         in the box



         in the plastic bag



         in the plate








2.  Who said Cat might have stolen the cookies?




















3.  Who said Puppy might have stolen the cookies?





















4.  Who said Mouse might have stolen the cookies?



















5.  Who said Squirrel might have stolen the cookies? 




























6.  Who said Turtle might have stolen the cookies?























7.  Who showed a clue to the thief who stole the cookies?





















8.  Where was the thief who stole the cookies?




         on the tree



         in the pond



         in the cave



         in the house 








9.  Who was the thief that stole the cookies?




















10.  What happened to Bear?




         He was arrested.



         He had to pay for the cookies.



         He was given cookies.



         He denied the fact that he had stolen the cookies.





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