PYR Level 2: What a Hungry Puppy! (Paperback + CD) - Puffin Young Reader Level 2 Puffin Young Reader Level 2 12
Gail Herman 지음 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2011년 12월
평점 :

1.  What's the name of a puppy?








2.  What is found at first when Lucky digs in the ground?


         a bone

         a rope

         a ball

         a box




3.  Where is an old shoe found?


         on the tree

         by the tree

         in the pond

         by the beach



4.  How does the old shoe taste?


         It tastes good.

         It tastes bad.

         It tastes terrific.

         It tastes delicious.



5.  What kind of sock does Lucky finds? 


         a smelly new one

         a brand new one

         a tidy new one

         a smelly old one



6.  What makes Lucy scared?


         a big dog

         a bone

         a smelly sock

         an old shoe



7.  Who runs after Lucky? 


         a police man

         a big cat

         a big dog

         No one runs after him.



8.  What does the big dog do to Lucky?


         He licks Lucky.

         He bites Lucky.

         He hits Lucky.

         He knocks down Lucky.



9.  Why does the big dog thank Lucky? 


         for playing with him

         for finding his bone

         for inviting him to dinner

         for being a friend




10.  Why does Lucky's tummy make sounds?


         Because he is scared.

         Because he is hungry.

         Because he is sick.

         Because he feels like defecating.


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