The Mixed Up Morning, Grades K - 1: Level 2 (Paperback) - Little Critter First Readers Little Critter First Readers 2
Mercer Mayer 지음 / Brighter Child / 2001년 4월
평점 :




1.  Who woke me up on Monday morning?


         my sister

         my kitten

         my mom

         my daddy




2.  What was my favorite shirt?


         a white one

         a red one

         a green one

         a yellow one



3.  Why did I wear my red shirt instead of my favorite shirt? 


         Because it was dirty.

         Because it was too tight.

         Because I couldn't find it.

         Because my sister wore it first.



4.  Why didn't I eat waffles for breakfast? 


         Because I didn't like them.

         Because my sister ate them.

         Because my mom didn't make them.

         Because I was late for school.


5.  What did I eat for breakfast? 


         a bowl of cereal

         a bowl of oatmeal

         a bowl of soup

         a piece of toast



6.  Where was my lunch put? 


         in a plastic bag 

         in a brown paper bag

         in my Super critter lunchbox

         I didn't bring lunch today.



7.  Why did my mom drive me to school? 


         Because she liked it.

         Because I missed the school bus.

         Because the school bus didn't run.

         Because I have a lot of things to carry with me.



8.  Who did I want to see before school started?


         my homeroom teacher

         the principal of my school

         my friends

         my girl friend





9.  What did Miss Kitty ask me to help?


         to clean the classroom

         to grade students' test papers

         to prepare for the party

         to carry her baggages


10.  What did I want to do before class?


         reading a book

         playing with my friends

         doing my homework

         preparing for the test



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