Splat! (Paperback)
O'Connor, Jane / Grosset & Dunlap / 1994년 5월
평점 :


1.  How do I look for my age? 


         I look brave.

         I look tall.

         I look fat.

         I look short.



2.  What does my brother call me?








3.  Where do I get some money?


         from my parents

         from my piggy bank

         from bank

         from my brother



4.  Where do I go after taking my money?


         to the bank

         to the hospital

         to the toy store

         to the drug store



5.  What glows in the dark?


         my glow watch

         Crazy world

         a Mega-Star Spaceship

         the Drencher 1000


6.  What is Crazy world?


         the name of the toy store

         the name of the video game

         the title of the TV program

         the title of a science fiction novel



7.  What do I buy in the toy store?


         Crazy world

         a Mega-Star Spaceship

         the best video game

         the Drencher 1000




8.  What can I do with the Drencher 1000? 


         I can squirt water.

         I can do my homework.

         I can run fast.

         I can glow in the dark.



9.  What do I do when I fall and skin my leg?


         I cry.

         I scream.

         I call 911.

         I stand up shortly.



10.  What is my real name?








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