Country Fair (Paperback) - Little Critter First Readers ㅣ Little Critter First Readers 1
Mercer Mayer 지음 / Brighter Child / 2002년 5월
평점 :
1. How often is Country Fair held?
once a week
once a month
once a year
2. How does the ferris wheel look?
It looks dangerous.
It looks safe.
It looks scary.
It looks big.
3. How do tractors sound?
They sound loud.
They sound silent.
They sound terrible.
They sound scary.
4. How do pet horses feel?
They feel tough.
They feel soft.
They feel warm.
They feel unstable.
5. How does cotton candy smell?
It smells sour.
It smells salty.
It smells spicy.
It smells sweet.
6. How does pop corn taste?
It tastes sour.
It tastes salty.
It tastes spicy.
It tastes sweet.
7. How do I feel when I get a teddy bear?
I feel sad.
I feel bored.
I feel happy.
I feel empty.
8. What does the teddy bear wear?
a red T-shirt
a blue T-shirt
a green T-shirt
a black T-shirt
9. How much is the ring toss?
It is a dollar for 3 tries.
It is 2 dollars for 3 tries.
It is a dollar for 4 tries.
It is 2 dollars for 4 tries.
10. Who do I go to the Country Fair with?
with my class mates
with my friends
with my cousins
with my family