Little Critter First Readers Level 3: Our Friend Sam (Paperback) Little Critter First Readers 3
Mercer Mayer 지음 / Mercer Mayer First Readers / 2001년 4월
평점 :

1.  What were Gabby and Little Critter doing in the yard?


         They were playing hide-and-seek.

         They were playing with a ball.

         They were playing tag.

         They were playing baseball.



2.  What did Little Critter see in the grass?


         a big spider

         a little black caterpillar

         a little earthworm

         an ant



3.  Where did Sam crawl?


         on Little Critter's finger

         on Little's Critter's nose

         on Little Critter's foot

         on Little Critter's eye



4.  What did Mom get for Sam?


         a tray

         a box

         a can

         a jar



5.  Why did Dad put holes in the lid?


         for a closer look

         for air

         for Little Critter

         for Gabby



6.  What did Gabby and Little Critter pick for Sam to eat?








7.  Where did Little Critter keep Sam?


         in the backyard

         in the kitchen

         in the living room

         in his room



8.  When did Gabby and Little Critter take out Sam outside?


         every morning

         every afternoon

         every evening

         every night



9.  What did Sam make around himself one afternoon?


         a nest

         a cobweb

         a cocoon

         a hole



10.  Where was Sam hanging?


         from the lid

         from the leaf

         from the branch

         from the stone



11.  What did Sam become in a few days?


         a bird

         a butterfly

         a ladybug

         a bee


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