노부영 Walking Through the Jungle (Paperback, Compact Disc, Original) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 111
Debbie Harter 지음 / Barefoot Books / 2005년 11월
평점 :

도서관에서 아이가 스스로 고른 첫 영어동화다. 역시 색깔이 찬란하다. 다른 것보다 구절이 대개 두번씩 반복되는 게 특징이었던 책.



1.  Where is the girl walking?




         through the wood 



         through the jungle



         through the mall



         through the hall









2.  What did she see?




         a lion



         a dog



         a cat



         an elephant











3.  What is chasing her?




         a zebra 



         a lion



         a horse



         a buffalo








4.  Where did she go snorkeling?




         the fish tank



         the pool



         the river



         the ocean









5.  What did she see while snorkeling?




         an eel 



         a zebra



         a whale



         a ray









6.  What did she see in the mountains?




         a wolf



         a man



         a goat



         a troll








7.  What did she see in the river?




         a monkey 



         a snake



         a crocodile



         a hippo









8.  What did she see in the desert?




         a snake



         a cactus



         a scorpion



         an owl









9.  What did she see on the iceberg?




         a penguin 



         a polar bear



         a seal



         a fish








10.  Why did she run home?




         for supper



         for a shower



         for fun



         for homework



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